Instructions on how to run apps built during the workshops:
you can either install embark following up the installation here:
you can use following docker image:
docker pull buben42/workshop
docker run -it -p -p --name workshop buben42/workshop bash
Once in the container, clone this repo via git
cd dapps
git clone
If you want to edit the files in your local IDE, download the repository and link a volume to your container
docker run -it -p -p --name workshop -v <path to repo>:/workshops buben42/workshop bash
Start embark demo server with local testRPC (node simulator) ( ensures access thought localhost outside of the VM)
testrpc -h
Start embark demo server with local testRPC (node simulator) IF not using VM
cd workshop<number>
embark simulator
press ctrl+p+q to leave the container OR start another terminal
docker exec -it workshop bash
cd workshop<number>
embark run
Open: localhost:8000 in your browser (without Metamask extension - with Metamask you don't have to run a node)
To enable a shared folder, you first have to enable sharing in the folder properties
Struggling to get a shared folder for docker enabled - ping me if you have solution for that
go to workshop folder
embark run testnet
docker run <docker params> <container name> <container command> # run a container
docker images #list all images
docker rmi <image name> #force to remove a docker image
docker ps -a #list all docker containers
docker rm -f <container name> # force to remove a docker container
docker exec <docker params> <container name> <container command> #run a $ second instance of the container
docker attach <container name> # connect to a running container
docker start <container name> # start a stopped container
docker load <new name> < <name of loaded image>