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Hinode Module - Lightbox for Boostrap 5

A Hugo module for [Lightbox for Boostrap 5]( that is compatible with Hinode


While I can't imagine anyone else wanting to use this, it loads the JS for the lightbox after Bootstrap, which is required for the lightbox to work.


The module is "optional" per default. In this case the module must be enabled in the frontmatter of the pages that use the lightbox by adding: modules: ["bs5-lightbox"]

To make it work with your images, you need to wrap a URL around it with the following params: data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="gallery"


<a href="{{ $image }}" data-toggle="lightbox" data-gallery="gallery">
    {{- partial "assets/image.html" (dict "url" {{ $image }} "ratio" "1x1" "wrapper" "mx-auto" "class" "img-fluid") -}}


For the shortcode to content, your frontmatter must include:

modules: ["bs5-lightbox"]
 - /img/path/to/image1.jpg
 - /img/path/to/image2.jpg

And in your post content:

{{< bs5-lightbox title="Alt text" >}}

Images should be located in the assets/img folder, and will be resized by Hinode. If you don't use a title, it will use the page title.


This module uses semantic-release to automate the release of new versions. The package uses husky and commitlint to ensure commit messages adhere to the Conventional Commits specification. You can run npx git-cz from the terminal to help prepare the commit message.