Generetas and reads hexagon maps made of hexagons with a wonky coordinate system. Each hexa has xy-coordinates and it knows it's neighbours. I made this for DnD purposes.
This does not generate any graphics (yet).
with wanted final height.
It generates an array of Hexagons
export interface Hexagon {
id: number;
x: number;
y: number;
neighbourIds: number[];
can be used to determine which Hexagons are valid
hexas to move to -- Neat!
Hexagons can't be presented with a single xy-coordinate if you place a hexagon on each coordinate.
Hexagons have six neighbours but each "square" on a standard xy-plane has 8 neighbouring tiles if you count the diagonal ones.
My solution to this is to place each row on its own Y-coordinate
And use following notation:
This way we end up occupying every other coordinate pair in xy-coordinates as illustrated below
Hexagon (H) and its neighbouring hexagons (N)
This can only generate infomation for these:
/ \
Not these:
| |
I thought the first looks neater.