Title: Schmeckels Description: This website will be a currency exchange site. The functionality of the website is that it will use USD to other currency comparisons, to which they will be current live exchange rates. The site will have a input where one can type the currency they wish to compare to the USD. The goal is for accurate worldwide currency comparisons. wireframe/mockup link: https://xd.adobe.com/view/d737e900-8d2a-498c-6e7f-13b0a20a0291-a106/ API: currencylayer.com
MVP: The goals for MVP on this website project is , first to have a strutured html with the title, description and the currency converter for functionality. Use Axios to get the response from the API in currencylayer.com. Using CSS to make the website have a professional look to it, business like. Use Javascript to retrive information like which currency is being compared to USD. All of this while making it responsive in desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Post-MVP: exloring the possibility of adding a crypto-currency API, as well as using the particles.js file for CSS design purposes.
The particles effect is done thanks to particles.js by https://vincentgarreau.com/particles.js/
website: http://the-great-one.surge.sh/