In this project i've create a sport live score landing page for improve my skill of HTML, CSS. Building the site with responsive web tecnique
- After the project analysis, i've used Trello for organize tasks for desktop and mobile view, using Agile metodology.
- The second step was recover all the grafic material from Figma that i will use for realize the project.
- Then i start coding calculating time for every tasks i've done with Toggl!
- after every single section complited on desktop, i've worked on mobile view, adjust size and positiong of element's.
- Learn the basic of responsive page.
- Learn how to use viewport, for realize a good mobile view.
Figma, Trello, Toggl.
- Adding Javascript for give events to some element on the page
- Include SASS pre-proccessor
- Use Webpack as bundler for SASS