What's Changed
- ✨ use auto reset hook by @JohnsonMao in #88
- ♻️ refactor CodeBox: Abstract useAutoRest hook by @JohnsonMao in #90
- ♻️ refactor component and style by @JohnsonMao in #91
- ♻️ refactor hook and not found page by @JohnsonMao in #92
- ✨ add try-catch statement to handle errors by @JohnsonMao in #93
- 🐛 fix scroll position not reset bug by @JohnsonMao in #94
- ✨ add posts page by @JohnsonMao in #95
- ✨ add use scroll hook by @JohnsonMao in #96
- ✅ refactor intersection observer hook unit test by @JohnsonMao in #97
- ⚡️ optimization scroll event with RAF by @JohnsonMao in #99
- ✨ add clamp util and unit test by @JohnsonMao in #102
- ✅ add use RAF state hook test by @JohnsonMao in #101
- ✨ add ref support to Container component by @JohnsonMao in #100
- 🌐 add slogan and update metadata by @JohnsonMao in #103
- 💄 update web style by @JohnsonMao in #104
- 💄 update web style by @JohnsonMao in #105
- ♻️ refactor header component computed scroll by @JohnsonMao in #106
- ✨ add pipe function by @JohnsonMao in #107
- ⚡️ optimize component scroll rendering performance by @JohnsonMao in #108
- Refactor code by @JohnsonMao in #109
- Refactor/architectural by @JohnsonMao in #110
- Style/container by @JohnsonMao in #111
- 💄 add root background style by @JohnsonMao in #112
- 💄 fix code box style by @JohnsonMao in #113
- Refactor/header component by @JohnsonMao in #114
- ✨ update post page style by @JohnsonMao in #115
- Feature/menu style by @JohnsonMao in #116
- Refactor/update menu style by @JohnsonMao in #117
- 💄 update style and layout by @JohnsonMao in #118
- Refactor/link component by @JohnsonMao in #119
- Refactor/web style by @JohnsonMao in #121
- ♻️ refactor unit test and minor changes by @JohnsonMao in #122
- Dependencies/update by @JohnsonMao in #123
- 👷 update Github action by @JohnsonMao in #124
- Feature/toc and collapse by @JohnsonMao in #125
- ✨ add posts list and clamp utils by @JohnsonMao in #126
- 🏗️ refactor tests folder architectural by @JohnsonMao in #127
- ♻️ refactor i18n by @JohnsonMao in #128
- ✅ fixed untracked state changes in test components by @JohnsonMao in #129
- Develop by @JohnsonMao in #130
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0