The Revenue Distribution smart contract uses a time-based mechanism to automate the distribution of revenue among community members, stakeholders, and operating costs. Every quarter, it automates revenue distribution using Chainlink Keepers.
- Revenue Deposits: Stakeholders can deposit Ether as revenue into the contract.
- Automated Quarterly Distribution: Revenue is distributed every quarter using Chainlink Keepers, ensuring smooth automation.
- Fair Allocation:
- 60% of revenue is distributed to community members.
- 30% is distributed to stakeholders.
- 10% covers operational costs.
- Lock Period: Stakeholders can only withdraw their revenue after a 30-day lock period.
- Minimum Deposit: A minimum deposit of 1 ETH is required for stakeholders.
- Upkeep: Chainlink Keepers are used to automate the distribution process when conditions are met.
To get started install both Git and Foundry
Git: After installation make sure to run git --version to confirm installation if you see a response like git version 2.34.1 then it was successful.
Foundry: After installation run forge --version if you see a response like forge 0.2.0 (8549aad 2024-08-19T00:21:29.325298874Z) then it was successful.
git clone
cd /Foundry-Revenue-Distribution-System
forge install
forge build
$ forge test
$ forge coverage
To view detailed test coverage reports for your contracts
$ anvil
By default, your local node will be used here. For it to deploy, it must be running in a separate terminal.
$ make deploy
By default, your local node will be used here. For it to deploy, it must be running in a separate terminal. All this varaibles should be added to your .env file.
- Setup your environment variables PRIVATE_KEY , ETHERSCAN_API_KEY and SEPOLIA_RPC_URL.
- PRIVATE_KEY: Import your metamask private key. It is recommended you use a wallet with no funds or a burner wallet. Learn how to export private key HERE
- SEPOLIA_RPC_URL: This is URL of the sepolia testnet node you're working with. You can get setup with one for free from Alchemy
- ETHERSCAN_API_KEY: for verification of your contract on Etherscan. Learn how to get one HERE
- Get ETH testnet tokens by heading over to and claim some testnet ETH.
- Deploy (make deploy = proxy contract and make upgrade = upgradeable contract)
source .env
make deploy ARGS="--network sepolia"
You can use cast to interact with your deployed smart contract on your terminal
$ cast <contract-address> <function> [params...]
for example cast call to read data on your deployed contract
cast call 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3 "getStakeHoldersAddress()" --private-key [your private key]
cast send sends transactions to the deployed contract
cast send 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3 "depositRevenue()" --value 2ether --private-key [your private key] --rpc-url --broadcast
You can estimate how much gas things cost by running:
$ forge snapshot
And you'll see an output file called .gas-snapshot
$ forge --help
$ anvil --help
$ cast --help