CVPowershellSDKV2 is a Windows PowerShell package for Commvault software which offers variety of cmdlets apart from the already existing powershell module.
CVPowershellSDKV2 uses the Commvault REST API to perform operations on a CommCell via the WebConsole.
- Windows PowerShell version 5.1 or above
- Commvault Software v11 SP28 or later release with WebServer installed
Download the Install Folder and Run InstallCVModule-Auto
- PS C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\PSSDK\Install> .\InstallCVModule-Auto.ps1
Login to Commcell:
- PS > Invoke-SetupLogin -Username "#username" -Password "#base64Encodedpassword" -WebServerURL "http://#csName/webconsole/api"
To get all the command: -PS > Get-Command -Module CommvaultPowershell
- For information on any Commvault PowerShell command, run Get-Help [command]
- For detailed examples on any Commvault PowerShell command, run Get-Help [command] -Examples