dynamic_topic_modeling 1.1.0
Added a
file to track changes to the package.
Add citations, and cited repositories.
Add title for each notebooks
Add the functions of 'display_topic', 'document_influence_dim', 'topic_distribution', 'visualize_topics', 'make_df'.
Update desc for release.
Update visualization for topic evolution
document the function of 'visualize_topics',
keep repo compact,
add rmd for visualization for topic evolutions,
update the word ones,
output the topic evolution figure,
update the word evolution figure,
update dtm model file,
update the dtm model data frame file,
Update the word evolution.
Finish topic evolution and outpput the result.
Finish the word evolution viz part.
Finish the function of 'display_topic', add the author of visualization parts, output the word distribution.
Update keywords.
Add pypi badge.
Update makefile
Update, index.ipynb
Upload pacakges
Update readme with examples and references.
Update license, add settings.ini,, index.ipynb, and docs.
Add the file built for package.
Copy file from 'wei_lda_debate'
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