Jewelbots App for iOS/Android
TBA, this is an unfinished application. If you like, you can ask us questions on Slack here.
- updates www folderionic build ios
- prepare app to be built in xcode- XCode -
Product -> Archive
Basic HTML stuff can be tested in the browser with ionic serve
, but the bluetoothle library is not
supported in the browser or emulator, so most of your testing will need to happen on a device itself.
See instructions to build and deploy to your phone here
Service 180A - Device information
- Firmware Revision: characteristic 2A26
- Manufacturer Name: characteristic 2A29
Service 63400001-1A1E-5704-0A53-844BD14254A1 - Jewelbots Information
- Read Friends List: characteristic 63400002-1A1E-5704-0A53-844BD14254A1 (referred to as 0002)
- Write Friends List: characteristic 63400003-1A1E-5704-0A53-844BD14254A1 (referred to as 0003)
The friends will come from device as a flattened uint8array each "friend" is 8 bytes of the array, up to I think 16 friends so a if the friend list is
that's really 2 "friends" of[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2]
. -
In practice, it will always be "full", and any unused friend "slots" will be all zeroes.
The breakdown of each friend is first byte index, second-seventh bytes address (stored reversed), eighth byte color
- e.g. [friend index 0, device address (reversed) 1-6, color 7]
- so [1,97,134,83,125,97,221,2] is:
- friend.index = 1 (first friend always 1, should never be 0, so 0 here means empty)
- friend.address = 221:97:125:83:134:97 (reversed from how stored on device)
- friend.color = 2 (blue)
Color codes: 0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = blue, 3 = cyan (will be more later but only 4 currently active)
Scan for devices ex: pair-ctrl.js
ionicReady().then(function () {
// use initialize to get bluetooth up and running. will error if bluetooth not enabled on phone
return $cordovaBluetoothle.initialize(params)
.then(function (data) {
//startScan() scans for devices. You can filter with params
return $cordovaBluetoothle.startScan(params);
.then(function (data) {
for(var i=0;i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].status === 'scanResult' && data[i].advertisement.isConnectable) {
//make sure to stopScan()
return $cordovaBluetoothle.stopScan();
Read Characteristics ex: dashboard-ctrl.js
On iOS, you will need to follow the same basic pattern to read a characteristic:
to device- discover
for device - discover
for a service read()
a characteristic
You have to do this even if you already know which service and characteristic you want. Trying to go straight to the read()
will result in an error.
var result = $cordovaBluetoothle.initialize({'request': true})
.then(function(data) {
return $timeout($cordovaBluetoothle.connect(params))
.then(function(response) {
return ${address: deviceId})
.then(function(response) {
return $cordovaBluetoothle.characteristics({address: deviceId, service: "180A"});
.then(function(response) {
return ${address: DataService.GetDeviceId(), service: "180A", characteristic: "2A26"})