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Algorithm practices

  1. Tries
  2. Unival tree
  3. Balanced brackets
  4. Longest palindrome
  5. Count island
  6. Bus music
  7. Flight travels
  8. Cell activity
  9. Delivery truck
  10. Graph bars
  11. Tree diffing
  12. Word search
  13. First unique character
  14. Longest common prefix
  15. Single number
  16. Get unique number
  17. Power of two
  18. Robot return origin
  19. Sum total tree numbers
  20. Flatten array
  21. Remove elements
  22. Climbing stairs
  23. Ramsom Note
  24. Add two numbers as a Linked List
  25. Reverse Linked List
  26. Two Sum
  27. Get Ranges
  28. Fibonacci
  29. Bubble Sort
  30. Selection sort
  31. Insertion sort
  32. Binary Search
  33. Binary Search Tree
  34. Max Connected Colors
  35. Linked List
  36. Heap
  37. Heap two
  38. Validate Subsequence
  39. Tournament Winner
  40. Non-Constructible Change
  41. Find Closest Value In BST
  42. Node Depths
  43. Anagram
  44. Array of products
  45. Autocomplete tries
  46. Balanced brackets
  47. Balanced brackets
  48. Boggle Find Possible Word
  49. Breadth First
  50. Transverse BFS
  51. Concatenation
  52. Container With Most Water
  53. Fibonacci
  54. Find Minimum Rotated Sorted Array
  55. Find Three Largest
  56. Flatten Array
  57. Flight-travels
  58. Generate Document
  59. Generate Parentheses
  60. Group Anagram
  61. Insertion Sort
  62. Linked List Cycle
  63. Longest Repeating Character
  64. Longest Substring Without Duplication
  65. Max Profit
  66. Maximum Product Subarray
  67. Maximum Subarray
  68. Minimum Waiting Time
  69. Class Photos
  70. Minimum Window Substring
  71. Merge Interval
  72. Multi String
  73. Node Tree Conversation v1
  74. Node Tree Conversation v2
  75. Node Tree Conversation v3
  76. Non Overlapping intervals
  77. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
  78. Palindrome Substring
  79. Pyramid
  80. Product Sum
  81. React Hooks
  82. Remove Duplicated Linked List
  83. Remove Nth Node From End Of List
  84. Reverse Words
  85. Reverse Words
  86. Search Rotated Sorted Array
  87. Selection Sort
  88. Serialize/Deserialize BST
  89. Same Tree
  90. Branch Sum
  91. Contains Duplicate
  92. Short Prefix
  93. Short Prefix Tries
  94. Smallest Differences
  95. Sort Filenames (WIP)
  96. Subsequences
  97. Subset
  98. Suffix Tries
  99. Union Sorted Array
  100. Validate Binary Tree
  101. Word Search
  102. Product Array Except Self
  103. Best time to Buy and Sell
  104. Tandem Bicycle
  105. Nth Fibonacci
  106. Palindrome Permutation



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