Develop a system that allows someone with a physiological disability to play music Cerebral palsy is a debilitating neurological condition affecting as many as 30,000 children in the UK, reducing their muscle function and mobility. Developed in conjunction with John Chilton School, which caters for children with special educational needs, this project aims to increase engagement and enjoyment in students’ physiotherapy sessions by incorporating music therapy into their routines. Music has been used in treatment for centuries, and today, music therapy is a recognised discipline and a topic of interest within the scientific community.
The product is made up of two parts: a cross platform (iOS and Android) mobile/tablet application and a wearable device. This system captures movement data from the user, through the use of a wearable and camera data through use of machine learning (see Movement Capture section for more detail). This information is used to analyse the user’s completion of their exercise, and provide feedback on how they can improve their movement technique in future sessions. Upon completion of a set number of repetitions, additional layers of music will be added, allowing the music to build from a simple drum track to a complex groove of bass guitar, synth, drums and lead guitar.
To run app, download the folder, ensure flutter is installed and within the folder run "flutter run"