Final Project for ghuang23-vperez35-jliu246-ssrane2
code location for:
- Main Parser -> master/parser.cpp
- BFS -> master/BFS.cpp
- Dijkstra -> master/Algorithms/Dijikstra.cpp
- Betweencentrality -> master/Algorithms/betweencentrality.cpp
- Makefile -> master/Makefile
- Tests -> master/testing/tests.cpp
- Outputs -> master/outputx.png These outputs show what a basic output of our program can do.
- All the written reports -> master/Written Report/...
- Dev logs -> master/Development Documents Logs/...
- Project presentation ->
- Created general tests for the BFS algorithm that can test specific airports
- Dijkstra prints to the console so it's harder to test. We have to manually verify the distance, and also manually check if it is the shortest route.
- BC prints to the console so it's hard to test too. We have to manually verify the centrality of the airport by comparing amount of shortest path that pass through airport.
Be in the root directory:
- make clean
- make test
- ./test
Be in the root directory:
- make clean && make && clear && ./flight
After running the code, enter IATA data for airports and the program should do the rest. Here are a few sample ones. Enjoy!
ORD - Chicago O'Hare DXB - Dubai LAX - Los Angeles CDG - Paris SOV - Moscow CAN - Cancun