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Hao Li edited this page Aug 5, 2024 · 1 revision


The GlueX ROOT analysis software package provides an executable named MakeDSelector that allows the user to generate a basic framework of DSelector program files for the analysis of a particular reaction. This code will be different for each reaction. The location of this executable is defined by the environment variable ROOT_ANALYSIS_HOME, which is configured by the standard GlueX software configuration scripts. An example of how to use this is shown below:

    MakeDSelector input-root-tree-file-name root-tree-name program-name

where input-root-tree-file-name is the name of a PART file, root-tree-name is the name of the TTree contained in this file and program-name can be any label you choose. The command above will create two files in the current directory with the name DSelector_program-name with the extensions .C and .h which contain the basic template to read and analyze the specified ROOT tree. The files contain the general functionality, with some comments and example code for the user to expand on.