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clas12 detector nim papers that collect into a nim volume

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This repo contains a collection of clas12 detector NIM papers LATEX sources. The changes are automatically compiled into PDFs files, collected here.

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Online Editing

You can edit individual tex files on your browser, for example by pasting some tex code. Upon committing, the PDF file will be produced within 10 minutes. However it is recommended to edit the files directly on your computer by cloning the repo, see below.

How to get the tex files and create a pdf

First, clone the repository:

git clone

This will create a directory "clas12Nim". Inside that dir, change dir to your detector:

cd ftof

To use scons to produce pdf:

scons (if you have scons installed)

To use pdflatex directly (you can also use latex):

pdflatext ftof.tex

(to make the references see the complete tex instructions below)

Alternatively (on an Apple computer with latex installed) you can use MacTex to open the main file, which has the same name as the system (for example: svt.tex for svt).

Spell Checking

You can use the command aspell to check the spelling of tex files::

aspell --mode=tex -c file.tex

Keeping the repo up-to-date

If the repository is newer than your local version you will not be able to push your changes to it (you will get a log telling you to merge the new changes).

Keeping the repo up to date is easy:

git pull

This will open an editor with a merge message, which you don't need to edit. Just exit the editor: If it's "vi" type :q. If it's "nano", type CTRL-x

How to add or remove a file to the repository

Use add or rm to add or remove files from the repo:

git add filename


git rm filename

When you check the status with git pull you will see an A for "added" and a D for "deleted" files.

How to commit changes to the repository

First, make sure you changed only the files relevant to your detector. You can find out which files you changed with the command

git status

To commit changes to a particular file, don't forget a nice comment:

git commit filename -m"nice comment"

To commit changes to all the files use the -a flag:

git commit -a -m"nice comment"

To push to the repository:

git push

This will upload your changes and trigger (within 10 minutes) the PDF file creation here.


I suggest you add all the pictures in a "img" directory. To add to the repository:

git add pictureFileName

To include a picture "examplePic.png" use the following code:

	\caption{The three detectors in the FT geometry }

Pictures and tables across two columns

Some pictures or tables are too big to fit in one column.

You can add a "*" at the end of the begin directive to span the picture or table across two columns. For example:

	\caption{The three detectors in the FT geometry }


We use bibtex for references so we do not have to worry about sizes, capitalization, italic, etc. Everything is standardized and used by SPIRES.

How to do it: use SPIRES to look for the article then click the BibTex link. Copy and paste the result to the file bibfile.bib.

It will look like this:

      author         = "Ungaro, M. and others",
      title          = "{Measurement of the N ---> Delta+(1232) transition at
                        high momentum transfer by pi0 electroproduction}",
      collaboration  = "CLAS",
      journal        = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
      volume         = "97",
      year           = "2006",
      pages          = "112003",
      doi            = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.112003",
      eprint         = "hep-ex/0606042",
      archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
      primaryClass   = "hep-ex",
      reportNumber   = "JLAB-PHY-06-543",
      SLACcitation   = "%%CITATION = HEP-EX/0606042;%%"

Compiling using scons, mactex, pdflatex

  • scons (not necessary but does simplify things quite a bit). To install scons:

    1. click this link to start an automatic download of scons
    2. untar / unzip with tar -zxpvf scons-2.5.1.tar.gz, or double click the file from Finder
    3. to install scons cd to the scons unpacked directory and type:

    sudo python install

  • on Mac you can use Tex Studio instead of scons

  • mac latex:

  • linux latex: you may need to sudo apt-get install texlive-publishers

If you do not use scons, see the notes on bibliography below. Bibtex Formatting Notes:

  • To capitalize a word use curly braces, for example {CLAS}.
  • Use "and others" if you want "et al" to appear in the document.

Note: if you do not use scons, you have to take care of the bibliography items using latex. You have to run these commands. Notice that pdflatex is ran three times. Given your systemname (svt, trigger, etc):

  1. pdflatex systemname
  2. bibtex systemname
  3. pdflatex systemname
  4. pdflatex systemname


clas12 detector nim papers that collect into a nim volume


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