The Unified Robotic Framework Common is a collection of common objects used by all Unified Robotic Framework libraries.
- CMake 3.10
- Python 3.6+
- C++17 compiler
- GCC 7 or higher
- Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) 2017 or higher
Install conan on your system:
$ pip3 install conan
For additional information for system wide installation on different platform, please read
For installing all the dependencies, launch from the root folder of the repository the following command:
$ conan install . -if build/conan -s build_type=<Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo> --build=*
This will install locally all the necessary dependencies for the selected build type and build the missing ones.
For building the project, launch from the root folder of the repository the following command:
$ conan build . -if build/conan
The command will build the entire repository as well as execute all the automated tests.
Finally, the package can be installed in the system so that it can be used by other projects:
$ conan create . -s build_type=<Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo>
The command will build the entire repository as well as execute all the automated tests and finally install the package.
After installation, the package urf_common/<version>
can be added to your conanfile requirements.
You can add the package to your CMakeLists as follows:
find_package(urf_common_cpp REQUIRED)
The following variables will be set:
containing the path to the libraries${urf_common_cpp_INCLUDE_DIRS}
containing the path to the header files
You can then link the package to your target as follows:
target_link_libraries(target_name ${urf_common_cpp_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(target_name PUBLIC ${urf_common_cpp_INCLUDE_DIRS})