This project use refine
This refine project was generated with superplate.
refine is a React-based framework for building data-intensive applications in no time ✨
Refine offers lots of out-of-the box functionality for rapid development, without compromising extreme customizability. Use-cases include, but are not limited to admin panels, B2B applications and dashboards.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
npm start
The application need to modify energie_win_back_main to authorize CORS
We have the following error on the back end:
ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] update or delete on table "bottle" violates foreign key constraint "bottle_price_history" on table "bottle_price_history"
The REST interface don't provide a endpoint to delete row in the bottle_price_history history. DELETE actions are only possible on /bottles/{id} et /notes/{id}.
Filter is very basic.
There is a problem on explicit application refresh
Access token expiration has not been tested
To learn more about refine, please check out the Documentation