mkdir android/system
cd android/system
curl > ~/repo
chmod a+x ~/repo
repo init -u git:// -b ics
repo sync -j16
source build/
brunch archos_g9 -j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
While this is being built, you should download the lastest archos.ext4 CM9 ROM image and then follow the instructions below
Once you do this and it is built, you will have to copy the entire /android/system/out/target/product/archos/archos_g9/system folder into the archos.ext4 file. You do this by mounting the archos.ext4 image file
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop /home/archos.ext4 /home/archosmountpoint
After mounting, you need to recursively format the /system folder inside your archos mountpoint
sudo rm -rf /home/archosmountpoint/system/*
After you have formatted the /system folder inside your mountpoint, you need to copy the newly built files from the ROM into the image
sudo cp -rf /android/system/out/target/product/archos/archos_g9/system/* /home/archosmountpoint/system/
After you have copied the files into your mount point, you need to change the permissions on the folder under /system/etc/init/
sudo chmod 777 /home/archosmountpoint/system/etc/init
OPTIONAL: You can also download one of the lastest GAPPS packages, unzip it on your computer, and push it to your device in a way so the /system files merge correctly (So that files in the GAPPS zip under /system/app correctly merge right into /system/app of the ROM)
After this is done, you can unmount the image file
sudo umount /home/archosmountpoint
Then push it to your device
adb push /home/archos.ext4 /data/local/
If this is your first time flashing CM9, you will have to wipe your /data partition first, then push it to your phone.
Reboot and enjoy!