This is a simple example of how to use the Live Belt library to create a simple realtime connection to Conveyor WebSocket Server, making it trivial to have secure realtime functionalities in your Laravel application.
Important: you need OpenSwoole PHP Extension installed. (
Video where I built this:
Simply clone this repository and run the common steps:
composer install # php dependencies
npm install # js dependencies
cd conveyor && composer install && ../ # php dependencies for conveyor
Then, run on 3 different terminals:
Terminal 1: Run the PHP HTTP Server
php artisan serve --port 8080
Terminal 2: Run the Vite Bundle
npm run dev
Terminal 3: Run Conveyor WebSocket Server
cd conveyor && php server.php
Terminal 4: Run Tinker and dispatch events!
php artisan tinker
event(new \App\Events\NotificationReady( message: 'Message from Conveyor 2', channel: 'notifications-'));
Notice that this channel has a dash (-) at the end, it is there because in this example we don't have anybody logged in, and in our live-belt component the channel specification won't add anything there.