The Xcore OMF metamodel/schema is intended to be a single source for several derived artifacts whose contents is a projection of the OMF metamodel/schema. Among such artifacts, the cross-platform normalized database schema tables provide a single source specification for normalized database schema tables cross-compiled for several environments, including JVM (pure Java, pure Scala, mixed Java+Scala), JavaScript (Node.js), mixed (ScalaJS).
The Xtend code generator produces the cross-platform single source specification in Scala of the OMF Schema.
- Nicolas Rouquette
- Maged Elaasar
To run the Xtend generators, the following projects must be in the workspace of an Eclipse Neon Modeling package installation:
gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.oti.provenance These projects provides the OML
metamodels used as inputs to the code generators. -
gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.development.generators The generators, currently specified as model-to-text transformations in the Eclipse Xtend language.
gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.doc The generators affect the content of these projects. After generation, these projects need to be separately committed & pushed.
Execute the launch configuration [OML Development Generator for OML Schema Tables](../launchers/OML Development Generator for OML Schema Tables.launch)
Affects gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.tables
Execute the launch configuration [OML Development Generator for OML Resolver API](../launchers/OML Development Generator for OML Resolver API.launch)
Affects gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.tables
Execute the launch configuration [OML Development Generator for OML Resolver Implementation](../launchers/OML Development Generator for OML Resolver Implementation.launch)
Affects gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.resolver
Execute the launch configuration [OML Development Generator for OML Specification Document](../launchers/OML Development Generator for OML Specification Document.launch)
Affects gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.doc