CLI tool for deploying MTAs to SAP BTP, Neo environment.
SAP BTP, Neo environment is not going away anytime soon;
The official Neo console client uses basic authentication, which adds a burden of maintaining an user account for CI pipelines;
Project Piper's CLI still does not expose the
step as a command, so the only way to use it is through Jenkins.
Same logic as implemented in the deployWithBearerToken
method from the neoDeploy
Have an OAuth API client ready for your subaccount. Follow step 1 on the help document.
When assigning scopes, make sure to:
- give the client a meaningful description; and
- select the Solution Lifecycle Management API scopes (Read Multi-Target Applications and Manage Multi-Target Applications).
# install the tool globally
npm install --global neo-deploy-mta-oauth
# or locally as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev neo-deploy-mta-oauth
Example usage:
ndmo -a abcde12345 -h -i abcd1234-ab12-cd34-ef56-abcdef123456 -s dcba4321-ba21-dc43-fe65-fedcba654321 path/to/my/file.mtar
Arguments can be provided as CLI options or environment variables. Each CLI option provided overrides the corresponding environment variable.
-a, --account <subaccount>
(environment variable:NDMO_ACCOUNT
Subaccount technical name, as displayed under the "Subaccount Info" section on the subaccount Overview page. -
-h, --host <host>
(environment variable:NDMO_HOST
Region host, as described in the documentation. -
-i, --client-id <clientid>
(environment variable:NDMO_CLIENT_ID
OAuth client ID for the API client. -
-s, --client-secret <clientsecret>
(environment variable:NDMO_CLIENT_SECRET
OAuth client secret for the API client.