Study Docs is a web application that serves as a centralized resource hub for academic classes at Yale, by providing resources that offer in-depth explanation to concepts within each class.
This web app has a list of some majors in Yale. Within each major, there are some classes. On selecting the desired class, there are some resources including the syllabus to that class from previous years, and links to vidoes to explain concepts better. The resources are ideally to be submitted by students who have taken that class in the past.
It also has a feedback page where users can submit feedback about the app with improvement suggestions.
This app refers students to most trusted resources needed to understand concepts. Thus, students needn't spend so much time on resources which they're unsure of how it would help them.
Ideally, data for this web app would be obtained from yale's database using a scraper probably. However, due to time constraints, data in this model of the web app has been hardcoded into the database. SQL queries used to create and insert data into the database is available in dbcodes.sql in the studydocs folder
Running this project
- Navigate to the study docs folder
- Run "flask run" in the terminal to load the project
- Click on the link from the auto-forwarded port to open the project in another window
Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Photo of books in login and register html pages: Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash
Julian Tweneboa Kodua, Yale College '25