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Entering Issues Consistently (proposal)

Chris Warren edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 2 revisions

It might be useful for us to more-or-less standardize the way we put in issues (at least, I've found it useful to do that on other projects).

In my thinking, an issue has these components: title, expected/desired behavior, actual/problem behavior, context, and possibly references.

  • TITLE - a brief, descriptive name of the problem (text)
  • EXPECTED - what's supposed to happen; the correct behavior (text, screen shots, link/s to live example, etc.)
  • ACTUAL - what happens that's different from the expected (text, screen shots, link/s to live example, etc.)
  • CONTEXT - general info about your set up (user, version/s, architecture, etc.); log dumps; debugging info; etc.
  • REFERENCES - links to sites / posts / etc. potentially related to this issue
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