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adding second countable stuff (math-comp#902)
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* adding second countable stuff

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Co-authored-by: Reynald Affeldt <[email protected]>
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2 people authored and IshiguroYoshihiro committed Sep 7, 2023
1 parent 8a7b5b8 commit 4eeb577
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Showing 2 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
- in `sequences.v`:
+ lemma `eq_eseriesl`

- in file `topology.v`,
+ new definitions `basis`, and `second_countable`.
+ new lemmas `clopen_countable` and `compact_countable_base`.

### Changed

### Renamed
Expand Down
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,6 +211,9 @@ Require Import reals signed.
(* topologicalType on T. *)
(* open == set of open sets. *)
(* open_nbhs p == set of open neighbourhoods of p. *)
(* basis B == a family of open sets that converges *)
(* to each point *)
(* second_countable T == T has a countable basis *)
(* continuous f <-> f is continuous w.r.t the topology. *)
(* x^' == set of neighbourhoods of x where x is *)
(* excluded (a "deleted neighborhood"). *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1702,6 +1705,11 @@ Definition open := (Topological.class T).

Definition open_nbhs (p : T) (A : set T) := open A /\ A p.

Definition basis (B : set (set T)) :=
B `<=` open /\ forall x, filter_from [set U | B U /\ U x] id --> x.

Definition second_countable := exists2 B, countable B & basis B.

Global Instance nbhs_pfilter (p : T) : ProperFilter (nbhs p).
Proof. by apply: Topological.nbhs_pfilter; case: T p => ? []. Qed.
Typeclasses Opaque nbhs.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3320,6 +3328,35 @@ case/finite_setP=> n; elim: n A => [A|n ih A /eq_cardSP[x Ax /ih ?]].
by rewrite -(setD1K Ax); apply: compactU => //; exact: compact_set1.

Lemma clopen_countable {T : topologicalType}:
compact [set: T] -> @second_countable T -> countable (@clopen T).
move=> cmpT [B /fset_subset_countable cntB] [obase Bbase].
apply/(card_le_trans _ cntB)/pcard_surjP.
pose f := fun F : {fset set T} => \bigcup_(x in [set` F]) x; exists f.
move=> D [] oD cD /=; have cmpt : cover_compact D.
by rewrite -compact_cover; exact: (subclosed_compact _ cmpT).
have h (x : T) : exists V : set T, D x -> [/\ B V, nbhs x V & V `<=` D].
have [Dx|] := pselect (D x); last by move=> ?; exists set0.
have [V [BV Vx VD]] := Bbase x D (open_nbhs_nbhs (conj oD Dx)).
exists V => _; split => //; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //.
exact: obase.
pose h' := fun z => projT1 (cid (h z)).
have [fs fsD DsubC] : finite_subset_cover D h' D.
apply: cmpt.
- by move=> z Dz; apply: obase; have [] := projT2 (cid (h z)) Dz.
- move=> z Dz; exists z => //; apply: nbhs_singleton.
by have [] := projT2 (cid (h z)) Dz.
exists [fset h' z | z in fs]%fset.
move=> U/imfsetP [z /=] /fsD /set_mem Dz ->; rewrite inE.
by have [] := projT2 (cid (h z)) Dz.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => z.
case=> y /imfsetP [x /= /fsD/set_mem Dx ->]; move: z.
by have [] := projT2 (cid (h x)) Dx.
move=> /DsubC /= [y /= yfs hyz]; exists (h' y) => //.
by rewrite set_imfset /=; exists y.

Section separated_topologicalType.
Variable (T : topologicalType).
Implicit Types x y : T.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6332,6 +6369,32 @@ Proof. by []. Qed.

End weak_pseudoMetric.

Lemma compact_second_countable {R : realType} {T : pseudoMetricType R} :
compact [set: T] -> @second_countable T.
have npos n : (0:R) < n.+1%:R^-1 by [].
pose f n (z : T): set T := (ball z (PosNum (npos n))%:num)^°.
move=> cmpt; have h n : finite_subset_cover [set: T] (f n) [set: T].
move: cmpt; rewrite compact_cover; apply.
- by move=> z _; rewrite /f; exact: open_interior.
- by move=> z _; exists z => //; rewrite /f /interior; exact: nbhsx_ballx.
pose h' n := cid (iffLR (exists2P _ _) (h n)).
pose h'' n := projT1 (h' n).
pose B := \bigcup_n (f n) @` [set` h'' n]; exists B;[|split].
- apply: bigcup_countable => // n _; apply: finite_set_countable.
exact/finite_image/ finite_fset.
- by move => ? [? _ [? _ <-]]; exact: open_interior.
- move=> x V /nbhs_ballP [] _/posnumP[eps] ballsubV.
have [//|N] := @ltr_add_invr R 0%R (eps%:num/2) _; rewrite add0r => deleps.
have [w wh fx] : exists2 w : T, w \in h'' N & f N w x.
by have [_ /(_ x) [// | w ? ?]] := projT2 (h' N); exists w.
exists (f N w); first split => //; first (by exists N).
apply: (subset_trans _ ballsubV) => z bz.
rewrite [_%:num]splitr; apply: (@ball_triangle _ _ w).
by apply: (le_ball (ltW deleps)); apply/ball_sym; apply: interior_subset.
by apply: (le_ball (ltW deleps)); apply: interior_subset.

(* This section proves that uniform spaces, with a countable base for their
entourage, are metrizable. The definition of this metric is rather arcane,
and the proof is tough. That's ok because the resulting metric is not
Expand Down

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