Illustrator script to convert all artwork to a "permanent outline" mode, replacing all Appearances and manually drawing all anchors/handles:
Result of most basic options on left, original artwork on right
- Variable sizes for all results including anchors, strokes, outlines, handles.
- Customizeable color for all outlines and anchors/handles or optional inherit parent layer label color
- Smart name assignment with customizeable variables per item
- Smart handle generation only on points needing them
- Optional override complex appearances (stacked strokes/fills)
- Optional merge Clipping Masks (perform intersect on all mask children)
- Optional override opacity of any path
- Optional deep grouping per handle and collection of handle groups per anchor
- Smart sorting: anchors/handles appear in same Layer as target and just above it's zOrder
Artwork with various clipping masks and unnamed paths
Outliner can merge all masks, inherit layer label color, rename all targets, deeply organize them by handle and anchor
Created for practice, and by request of a reddit thread: Is there a way to export an outline view + anchorpoints?
Adobe thread explaining certain issues I ran into and solutions once solved