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consensus: use Natural for ByteSize
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At the cost of a single pointer indirection --- which we expect to be dwarfed
by crypto checks etc --- the Mempool is trivially innoculated against

The worst-case is actually at most two pointers, and that can only happen when
a Word64 actually would have overflowed. This should never happen in practice
due to the Diffusion Layer's finitely-bounded message buffers (for the
TxSubmission mini protocol, in particular) (perhaps unless the node is severely
configured). But a minor performance hit seems a preferable worst-case compared
to crashes/confused conditionals/etc.
  • Loading branch information
nfrisby committed Jul 12, 2024
1 parent 93829e2 commit 9ed2a72
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Showing 9 changed files with 48 additions and 30 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ instance TxLimits ByronBlock where

blockCapacityTxMeasure _cfg st =
$ fromIntegral
$ CC.getMaxBlockSize cvs - byronBlockEncodingOverhead
cvs = tickedByronLedgerState st
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Expand Up @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ txsMaxBytes ::
-> ByteSize
txsMaxBytes TickedShelleyLedgerState { tickedShelleyLedgerState } =
-- `maxBlockBodySize` is expected to be bigger than `fixedBlockBodyOverhead`
ByteSize $ maxBlockBodySize - fixedBlockBodyOverhead
ByteSize $ fromIntegral $ maxBlockBodySize - fixedBlockBodyOverhead
maxBlockBodySize = getPParams tickedShelleyLedgerState ^. ppMaxBBSizeL

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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import qualified Data.Measure as Measure
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.SupportsMempool (ByteSize (..))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Mempool (AlonzoMeasure (..),
ConwayMeasure (..), fromExUnits)
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Serialisation.Generators ()
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
Expand All @@ -16,11 +16,18 @@ tests = testGroup "Shelley coherences" [

-- | 'Measure.<=' and @'pointWiseExUnits' (<=)@ must agree
leqCoherence :: Word32 -> ExUnits -> ExUnits -> Property
leqCoherence w eu1 eu2 =
leqCoherence :: Word32 -> Word32 -> ExUnits -> ExUnits -> Property
leqCoherence w1 w2 eu1 eu2 =
actual === expected
inj eu = AlonzoMeasure (ByteSize w) (fromExUnits eu)
-- ConwayMeasure is the fullest TxMeasure and mainnet's
inj eu =
(ByteSize (fromIntegral w1))
(fromExUnits eu)
(ByteSize (fromIntegral w2))

actual = inj eu1 Measure.<= inj eu2
expected = pointWiseExUnits (<=) eu1 eu2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -706,7 +706,10 @@ getMempoolReader mempool = MempoolReader.TxSubmissionMempoolReader
snapshotHasTx } =
{ mempoolTxIdsAfter = \idx ->
[ (txId (txForgetValidated tx), idx', unByteSize byteSize)
[ ( txId (txForgetValidated tx)
, idx'
, fromIntegral $ unByteSize byteSize -- TODO overflow?
| (tx, idx', byteSize) <- snapshotTxsAfter idx
, mempoolLookupTx = snapshotLookupTx
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Expand Up @@ -330,8 +330,7 @@ instance LedgerSupportsMempool BlockA where

instance TxLimits BlockA where
type TxMeasure BlockA = ByteSize
-- default mempool capacity is two blocks, so maxBound/2 avoids overflow
blockCapacityTxMeasure _cfg _st = ByteSize $ maxBound `div` 2
blockCapacityTxMeasure _cfg _st = ByteSize $ 100 * 1024 -- arbitrary
txMeasure _cfg _st _tx = ByteSize 0

newtype instance TxId (GenTx BlockA) = TxIdA Int
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Expand Up @@ -266,8 +266,7 @@ instance LedgerSupportsMempool BlockB where

instance TxLimits BlockB where
type TxMeasure BlockB = ByteSize
-- default mempool capacity is two blocks, so maxBound/2 avoids overflow
blockCapacityTxMeasure _cfg _st = ByteSize $ maxBound `div` 2
blockCapacityTxMeasure _cfg _st = ByteSize $ 100 * 1024 -- arbitrary
txMeasure _cfg _st _tx = ByteSize 0

data instance TxId (GenTx BlockB)
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Expand Up @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import Data.DerivingVia (InstantiatedAt (..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Measure (Measure)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import NoThunks.Class
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block.Abstract
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Abstract
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Ticked
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,10 @@ class ( Measure (TxMeasure blk)
-> TickedLedgerState blk
-> TxMeasure blk

newtype ByteSize = ByteSize { unByteSize :: Word32 }
-- | We intentionally do not declare a 'Num' instance! We prefer @ByteSize@ to
-- occur explicitly in the code where possible, for legibility/perspciousness.
-- We also do not need nor want subtraction.
newtype ByteSize = ByteSize { unByteSize :: Natural }
deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord)
deriving newtype (Measure)
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Expand Up @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ localTxMonitorServer mempool =
, recvMsgGetSizes = do
let MempoolSize{msNumTxs,msNumBytes} = snapshotMempoolSize snapshot
let sizes = MempoolSizeAndCapacity
{ capacityInBytes = unByteSize capacity
, sizeInBytes = unByteSize msNumBytes
{ capacityInBytes = fromIntegral $ unByteSize capacity
, sizeInBytes = fromIntegral $ unByteSize msNumBytes
, numberOfTxs = msNumTxs
} -- TODO what to do about overflow?
pure $ SendMsgReplyGetSizes sizes (serverStAcquired s txs)
, recvMsgAwaitAcquire = do
s' <- atomically $ do
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36 changes: 21 additions & 15 deletions ouroboros-consensus/test/consensus-test/Test/Consensus/Mempool.hs
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module Test.Consensus.Mempool (tests) where
import Cardano.Binary (Encoding, toCBOR)
import Cardano.Crypto.Hash
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, void)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Except (Except, runExcept)
import Control.Monad.IOSim (runSimOrThrow)
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, modify)
Expand All @@ -48,8 +48,9 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (stimes)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Word
import Data.Word (Word32)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import Ouroboros.Consensus.BlockchainTime
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Config.SecurityParam
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ ppTestTxWithHash x = condense
-- The generated 'testMempoolCap' will be:
-- > foldMap 'txSize' 'testInitialTxs' + extraCapacity
genTestSetupWithExtraCapacity :: Int -> Word32 -> Gen (TestSetup, LedgerState TestBlock)
genTestSetupWithExtraCapacity :: Int -> Natural -> Gen (TestSetup, LedgerState TestBlock)
genTestSetupWithExtraCapacity maxInitialTxs extraCapacity = do
ledgerSize <- choose (0, maxInitialTxs)
nbInitialTxs <- choose (0, maxInitialTxs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -831,20 +832,26 @@ instance Arbitrary MempoolCapTestSetup where
-- The Mempool should at least be capable of containing the transactions
-- it already contains.
let currentSize = foldMap txSize (testInitialTxs testSetup)
ByteSize capacityMinBound = currentSize
capacityMinBound = currentSize
validTxsToAdd = [tx | (tx, True) <- txs]
-- Use the current size + the sum of all the valid transactions to add
-- as the upper bound.
ByteSize capacityMaxBound = currentSize <> foldMap txSize validTxsToAdd
capacityMaxBound = currentSize <> foldMap txSize validTxsToAdd
-- Note that we could pick @currentSize@, meaning that we can't add any
-- more transactions to the Mempool

when (unByteSize capacityMaxBound >= 2^(32 :: Int)) $ do
error "impossible!" -- could 'QC.discard' if this is actually feasible

capacity <- choose
( capacityMinBound
, capacityMaxBound
( fromIntegral (unByteSize capacityMinBound) :: Word32
, fromIntegral (unByteSize capacityMaxBound) :: Word32
let testSetup' = testSetup {
testMempoolCapOverride =
MempoolCapacityBytesOverride (ByteSize capacity)
$ ByteSize
$ fromIntegral (capacity :: Word32)
return $ MempoolCapTestSetup testSetupWithTxs { testSetup = testSetup' }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,8 +949,8 @@ data TxSizeSplitTestSetup = TxSizeSplitTestSetup

instance Arbitrary TxSizeSplitTestSetup where
arbitrary = do
let txSizeMaxBound = 10 * 1024 * 1024 -- 10MB transaction max bound
txSizes <- listOf $ choose (1, txSizeMaxBound)
let txSizeMaxBound = 10 * 1024 * 1024 -- 10 mebibyte transaction max bound
txSizes <- listOf $ choose (1, txSizeMaxBound :: Word32)
let totalTxsSize = sum txSizes
txSizeToSplitOn <- frequency
[ (1, pure 0)
Expand All @@ -952,8 +959,8 @@ instance Arbitrary TxSizeSplitTestSetup where
, (1, choose (totalTxsSize + 1, totalTxsSize + 1000))
pure TxSizeSplitTestSetup
{ tssTxSizes = map ByteSize txSizes
, tssTxSizeToSplitOn = ByteSize txSizeToSplitOn
{ tssTxSizes = map (ByteSize . fromIntegral) txSizes
, tssTxSizeToSplitOn = ByteSize $ fromIntegral txSizeToSplitOn

shrink TxSizeSplitTestSetup { tssTxSizes, tssTxSizeToSplitOn = ByteSize x } =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1031,9 +1038,8 @@ prop_Mempool_idx_consistency (Actions actions) =
, testMempoolCapOverride =
$ ByteSize
$ maxBound - unByteSize simpleBlockCapacity
--- can't use maxBound, because then 'computeMempoolCapacity'
--- calculation overflows, resulting in a capacity of just one block
$ 1024*1024*1024
-- There's no way this test will need more than a gibibyte.

lastOfMempoolRemoved txsInMempool = \case
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