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Complete support for dummy constants and cryptography
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javierdiaz72 committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 1333e69 commit 7a8846b
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Showing 3 changed files with 179 additions and 10 deletions.
56 changes: 54 additions & 2 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/Foreign/HSConsensus/BaseTypes.agda
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@@ -1,16 +1,59 @@
module Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.BaseTypes where

open import Data.Rational

open import Spec.Foreign.ExternalFunctions
open import Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.Core public
import Spec.Foreign.HSTypes as F

instance -- TODO: Complete
iConvTop = Convertible-Refl {⊤}
iConvNat = Convertible-Refl {ℕ}
iConvString = Convertible-Refl {String}
iConvBool = Convertible-Refl {Bool}

instance -- TODO: Complete

-- * Unit and empty

HsTy-⊥ = MkHsType ⊥ F.Empty
Conv-⊥ = autoConvert ⊥

HsTy-⊤ = MkHsType ⊤ ⊤

-- * Rational numbers

HsTy-Rational = MkHsType ℚ F.Rational
Conv-Rational : HsConvertible ℚ
Conv-Rational = λ where
.to (mkℚ n d _) n F., suc d
.from (n F., zero) 0ℚ -- TODO is there a safer way to do this?
.from (n F., (suc d)) n Data.Rational./ suc d

-- * Maps and Sets

HsTy-HSSet : {A} ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ HasHsType (ℙ A)
HsTy-HSSet {A} = MkHsType _ (F.HSSet (HsType A))

Conv-HSSet : {A} ⦃ _ : HasHsType A ⦄
⦃ HsConvertible A ⦄
HsConvertible (ℙ A)
Conv-HSSet = λ where
.to F.MkHSSet ∘ to ∘ setToList
.from fromListˢ ∘ from ∘ F.HSSet.elems

HsTy-Map : {A B} ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ ⦃ HasHsType B ⦄ HasHsType (A ⇀ B)
HsTy-Map {A} {B} = MkHsType _ (F.HSMap (HsType A) (HsType B))

Conv-HSMap : {A B} ⦃ _ : HasHsType A ⦄ ⦃ _ : HasHsType B ⦄
⦃ DecEq A ⦄
⦃ HsConvertible A ⦄
⦃ HsConvertible B ⦄
HsConvertible (A ⇀ B)
Conv-HSMap = λ where
.to F.MkHSMap ∘ to
.from from ∘ F.HSMap.assocList

-- * ComputationResult

HsTy-ComputationResult : {l} {Err} {A : Type l}
Expand All @@ -21,5 +64,14 @@ instance -- TODO: Complete
Conv-ComputationResult : ConvertibleType ComputationResult F.ComputationResult
Conv-ComputationResult = autoConvertible

open ExternalStructures dummyExternalFunctions -- TODO: Complete
open ExternalStructures dummyExternalFunctions
( HSEpochStructure to DummyEpochStructure
; HSCrypto to DummyCrypto
; HSNonces to DummyNonces

unquoteDecl = do
hsTypeAlias Slot
hsTypeAlias Epoch
99 changes: 91 additions & 8 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/Foreign/HSConsensus/Core.agda
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@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-} -- TODO: Remove when structs are fully implemented

open import Spec.Foreign.ExternalFunctions

module Spec.Foreign.HSConsensus.Core where
Expand All @@ -15,6 +13,19 @@ open import Foreign.HaskellTypes.Deriving public
open import Ledger.Crypto
open import Ledger.Types.Epoch

open import Spec.Foreign.Util public

open import Data.Rational using (1ℚ; ½; Positive; positive; _<_) renaming (_≤_ to _≤ℚ_)
open import Data.Rational.Ext using (PosUnitInterval)
open import Data.Integer using (_≤_; _<_)
open import Data.String.Base renaming (_++_ to _+ˢ_) hiding (show; length)

½-positive : Positive ½
½-positive = positive {½} (_<_.*<* (_<_.+<+ (s≤s z≤n)))

½≤1 : ½ ≤ℚ 1ℚ
½≤1 = _≤ℚ_.*≤* (_≤_.+≤+ (s≤s z≤n))

module _ {A : Type} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ ⦃ _ : Show A ⦄ where instance
∀Hashable : Hashable A A
∀Hashable = λ where .hash id
Expand All @@ -27,25 +38,97 @@ instance
Hashable-⊤ = λ where .hash tt 0

module Implementation where
-- Global constants
Network =
SlotsPerEpochᶜ = 100
StabilityWindowᶜ = 10
RandomnessStabilisationWindowᶜ = 20
Quorum = 1
NetworkId = 0
SlotsPerKESPeriodᶜ = 5
MaxKESEvoᶜ = 30
ActiveSlotCoeffᶜ : PosUnitInterval
ActiveSlotCoeffᶜ = ½ , ½-positive , ½≤1
MaxMajorPVᶜ = 1

-- TODO: Complete
-- VRFs and nonces
Seed =

module ExternalStructures (externalFunctions : ExternalFunctions) where
HSGlobalConstants = GlobalConstants ∋ record {Implementation}
HSEpochStructure = EpochStructure ∋ ℕEpochStructure HSGlobalConstants

-- TODO: Complete
-- NOTE: Dummy for now.
HSSerializer : Serializer
HSSerializer = record
{ Ser = String
; encode = const ""
; decode = const nothing
; _∥_ = _+ˢ_
; enc-dec-correct = error "enc-dec-correct evaluated"

-- NOTE: Dummy for now.
HSPKScheme : PKScheme
HSPKScheme = record
{ SKey =
; VKey =
; isKeyPair = _≡_

-- Note: Dummy for now.
HSDSigScheme : DSigScheme HSSerializer
HSDSigScheme = record
{ pks = HSPKScheme
; isSigned = λ _ _ _
; sign = λ _ _ 0
; isSigned-correct = error "isSigned-correct evaluated"
; Dec-isSigned = λ {_} {_} {_} ⁇ (true because ofʸ tt)

-- NOTE: Dummy for now.
HSKESScheme : KESScheme HSSerializer
HSKESScheme = record
{ pks = HSPKScheme
; Sig =
; isSigned = λ _ _ _ _
; sign = λ _ _ _ 0
; isSigned-correct = error "isSigned-correct evaluated"
; Dec-isSigned = λ {_} {_} {_} {_} ⁇ (true because ofʸ tt)

-- NOTE: Dummy for now.
HSVRFScheme : VRFScheme
HSVRFScheme = record
{ Implementation
; pks = HSPKScheme
; Proof =
; verify = λ _ _ _
; evaluate = error "evaluate evaluated"
; _XOR_ = _+_
; verify-correct = error "verify-correct evaluated"
; Dec-verify = λ {T = _} {_} {_} {_} ⁇ (true because ofʸ tt)

HSCrypto : Crypto
HSCrypto = record {}
HSCrypto = record
{ srl = HSSerializer
; dsig = HSDSigScheme
; kes = HSKESScheme
; vrf = HSVRFScheme
; ScriptHash =

open import Spec.BaseTypes HSCrypto

-- TODO: Complete
-- NOTE: Dummy for now.
HSNonces : Nonces
HSNonces = record
{ Nonce =
; _⋆_ = _+_
{ Implementation
; Nonce =
; _⋆_ = _+_
; nonceToSeed = id

open EpochStructure HSEpochStructure public
Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions docs/agda-spec/src/Spec/Foreign/HSTypes.agda
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,40 @@ open import Data.Rational.Base
import GHC.Real (Ratio(..))

-- * The empty type

data Empty : Type where
{-# COMPILE GHC Empty = data Void () #-}

-- * Rational

data Rational : Type where
_,_ : Rational
{-# COMPILE GHC Rational = data Rational ((:%)) #-}

-- We'll generate code with qualified references to Rational in this
-- module, so make sure to define it.
{-# FOREIGN GHC type Rational = Ratio Integer #-}

-- * Maps and Sets

record HSMap K V : Type where
constructor MkHSMap
field assocList : List (Pair K V)

record HSSet A : Type where
constructor MkHSSet
field elems : List A

newtype HSMap k v = MkHSMap [(k, v)]
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype HSSet a = MkHSSet [a]
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord)
{-# COMPILE GHC HSMap = data HSMap (MkHSMap) #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC HSSet = data HSSet (MkHSSet) #-}

-- * ComputationResult

data ComputationResult E A : Type where
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