Welcome to TinyDev blog website! This project was built using Django and includes several notable features to enhance your blogging experience.
- Blog Listing: View a list of all available blog posts on the homepage.
- Individual Blog Posts: Click on a blog post to view its full content.
- Comments: Add comments to engage with the blog author and other readers.
- Bookmarks: Bookmark interesting blog posts to read them later.
- Bookmark Management: Manage your bookmarks by viewing them in a dedicated section and removing them once read.
While the current version of the project offers a solid foundation, there are several exciting features planned for future iterations, including:
- User Authentication: Allow users to register accounts and personalize their experience.
- Enhanced Commenting System: Implement features such as upvoting/downvoting comments and replying to specific comments.
- Search Functionality: Enable users to search for specific blog posts based on keywords or categories.
- Social Sharing: Integrate social media sharing buttons to allow users to easily share blog posts on their favorite platforms.
Stay tuned for these updates as the project evolves!