This is the repository for the experiments from the paper: "Improving Network Surface Processing with Principal Curvatures". You can find the paper here
Most of the code comes from the repositories of the models that we used. For anyone wanting to use them, we strongly suggest to go straight to these implementations:
- Diffusion-net
- Delta-net
- Point-net++ -- following the pytorch-geometric implementation
We followed the instructions from the Diffusion-net repo to get all three datasets.
For principal curvatures (kmin, kmax), and gaussian curvature, we suggest following implementations from libigl:
import igl
import pyvista as pv
mesh ='\path\to\mesh.vtk') # We use pyvista for loading and visualisation
vertices = mesh.points
faces = mesh.faces.reshape(-1, 4)[:, 1:]
_, _, kmin, kmax = igl.principal_curvature(verts, faces)
k = igl.gaussian_curvature(verts, faces)
For the Heat Kernel Signature, we follow the implementation using the Robust-laplacian :
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla
import robust_laplacian
L, M = robust_laplacian.mesh_laplacian(verts, faces)
massvec = M.diagonal()
L_eigsh = (L + scipy.sparse.identity(L.shape[0]) * eps).tocsc()
Mmat = scipy.sparse.diags(massvec)
evals, evecs = sla.eigsh(L_eigsh, k=128, M=Mmat, sigma=eps) # k=number of eigenvectors
evals = np.clip(evals, a_min=0., a_max=float('inf'))
scales = np.logspace(-2, 0, num=16) # num=dimension of the HKS
power_coefs = np.exp(-evals * scales)
hks = power_coefs * (evecs * evecs)
For the SHOT Descriptors, we used the implementation proposed by Point Cloud Library. To be found here
If you wish to install the same environment and use shapecentral directly:
git clone
cd shape-nets
pip install -e .