Please see upgrading to version 2.0.0.
Warehouse user interface changes
- Warehouse client helper and media code libraries updated to use jQuery 3.2.1
and jQuery UI 1.12. - Overhaul the warehouse UI with a new Bootstrap 3 based theme and more logical menu
structure. - Warehouse home page now has additional help for getting started and diagnosing
Back-end changes
- Support for PostgreSQL version 10.
- Support for PHP 7.2.
- Support for prioritised load aware background task scheduling via a work queue module.
Database schema changes
- Removed the following:
- index_locations_samples table
- fields named location_id_* from cache_occurrences_functional
- fields named location_id_* from cache_samples_functional
Replaced the above with cache_occurrences_functional.location_ids (integer[]) and
cache_samples_functional.location_ids (integer[]). This means there is no need to
distinguish between uniquely indexed location types (linked via the locaiton_id_*
fields) and non-uniquely indexed location types (linked in the index_locations_samples
table). Removes the need for additional join to index_locations_samples so will improve
performance in many cases.
- Attribute values for taxa, samples and occurrences are now stored in the relevant
reporting cache tables in a JSON document (attrs_json field). This means that reports
can output custom attribute values for a record without additional joins for each
attribute. To enable this functionality, the report needs a parameter of type taxattrs,
smpattrs or occattrs (allowing attributes to include to be dynamically declared in a
parameter). Then provide a parameter useJsonAttributes set to a value of '1' to enable
the new method of accessing attribute values. This has the potential to improve
performance significantly for reports which include many different attribute values in
the output. - New cache_taxon_paths which provides a hierarchical link between taxa and all their
taxonomic parents. - Cache_occurrences_functional now has a taxon_path field which links to the parent taxa
for the record, as defined by the main taxon list configured on the warehouse. - Reports no longer need to join via users to check the sharing/privacy settings of a
user. Any sharing task codes which are not available for the user are listed in
cache_*_functional.blocked_sharing_tasks. - Support for dynamic attributes, i.e custom sample or occurrence attributes which are
linked to a taxon. They can then be included on a recording form only when entering a
taxon that is, or is a descendant of, the linked taxon.
Report updates
- Updated reports which used the location_id_* fields to output a location for a record
to now update a list of overlapping locations rather than being limited to a single
location. For example, if a record is added which overlaps 2 country boundaries then
the report may include both country names in the output field rather than just one. - Removed the following unused verification reports. Existing verification
implementations on client websites should be updated to use the verification_5 prebuilt
form and its reports:- reports/library/occurrences/verification_list.xml
- reports/library/occurrences/verification_list_2.xml
- reports/library/occurrences/verification_list_3.xml
- reports/library/occurrences/verification_list_3_mapping.xml
- reports/library/occurrences/verification_list_3_mapping_using_spatial_index_builder.xml
- reports/library/occurrences/verification_list_3_using_spatial_index_builder.xml
- Other unused reports removed:
- reports/library/locations/filterable_occurrence_counts_mappable_2.xml
- reports/library/locations/filterable_species_counts_mappable_2.xml