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Merge pull request #13 from InbarShirizly/integration
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InbarShirizly authored Oct 2, 2020
2 parents fea354b + ff025e9 commit 5342386
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Showing 35 changed files with 622 additions and 485 deletions.
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions .gitignore

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Server/ → Server/Server/
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)
login_manager = LoginManager(app)
login_manager.login_view = 'login'
login_manager.login_view = 'users.login'
login_manager.login_message_category = 'info'

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/classrooms/
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from Server.config import ParseConfig
from Server.classrooms.loading_classroom_file import ParseClassFile

parser = ParseClassFile.from_object(ParseConfig)
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/classrooms/
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class Attendance:
receives student class df, the zoom chat and other configuration. returns:
1. table of attendant students from the student class df
2. list of table of relevant data from zoom users that didn't add a student return
def __init__(self, chat_df, students_df, filter_modes, time_delta, start_sentence, not_included_zoom_users):
- convert the chat text file to a data frame and arrange columns.
- creates df for each session according the appearance of the start sentence and time delta
:param chat_df: zoom chat in df (df)
:param students_df: student class raw data (df)
:param filter_modes: filters the user picked for parsing the text file (list of str)
:param time_delta: max time from start sentence to the last message to parse in each session in minutes (int)
:param start_sentence: start sentence that initiate sessions for parse (str)
:return: data frame with the data from the chat

self.first_message_time = chat_df["time"].sort_values().iloc[0]
start_indices = chat_df.index[chat_df['message'].apply(lambda string: start_sentence.lower() in string.lower())] #TODO: slice by time or by next message
df_students_for_report = students_df.set_index("id").astype(str).reset_index() # set all columns to str except the id

self._sessions = []
for start_index in start_indices:
df_session = Attendance.get_df_of_time_segment(chat_df, start_index, time_delta)
self._sessions.append(Session(df_students_for_report, df_session, filter_modes, not_included_zoom_users))

def get_df_of_time_segment(df, start_index, time_delta):

time_delta = np.timedelta64(time_delta, 'm')
time_segment_start = df.loc[start_index, "time"]
time_filt = (df["time"] >= time_segment_start) & \
(df["time"] <= time_segment_start + time_delta)

return df.loc[time_filt]

def report_sessions(self):
return self._sessions

class Session:

def __init__(self, df_students, df_session_chat, filter_modes, not_included_zoom_users):

self._first_message_time = df_session_chat["time"].sort_values().iloc[0]
self._relevant_chat = self.get_participants_in_session(df_students,filter_modes, df_session_chat, not_included_zoom_users)

@ staticmethod
def get_participants_in_session(df_students, filter_modes, df_chat, not_included_zoom_users):
finds students that attendant to the session. runs over each mode which represent different way to declare that
the student attendant (for example: phone number, ID). merges this data to the csv table with the zoom name that
added it
:param df_chat: that table of the chat for the specific session
:return: df of the attendance in the session
final_df = None
for mode in filter_modes:
merged_df = pd.merge(df_students, df_chat.reset_index(), left_on=mode, right_on="message", how="left")
final_df = pd.concat([merged_df, final_df])

final_df.sort_values(by="time", inplace=True)
df_participated = final_df.groupby("zoom_name").first().reset_index()
df_participated["index"] = df_participated["index"].astype(int)
df_participated = df_participated.loc[:, ["id", "zoom_name", "time", "message", "index"]].set_index("index")

filt = df_chat['zoom_name'].str.contains('|'.join(not_included_zoom_users))
df_relevant_chat = pd.merge(df_chat[~filt], df_participated, how="left")

df_relevant_chat["relevant"] = df_relevant_chat["id"].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == x else 0)
df_relevant_chat["id"] = df_relevant_chat["id"].apply(lambda x: int(x) if x == x else -1)
return df_relevant_chat

def zoom_names_table(self, session_id):
zoom_df = self._relevant_chat.loc[:, ["zoom_name", "id"]].rename(columns={"zoom_name": "name", "id": "student_id"})
zoom_df['session_id'] = pd.Series([session_id] * zoom_df.shape[0])
return zoom_df.sort_values(by="student_id", ascending=False).groupby("name").first().reset_index()

def chat_table(self, zoom_df):
relevant_chat = self._relevant_chat.drop(columns=["id"])
chat_session_table = pd.merge(relevant_chat, zoom_df, left_on="zoom_name", right_on="name")
return chat_session_table.drop(columns=["zoom_name", "name", "session_id", "student_id"]).rename(columns={"id": "zoom_names_id"})

if __name__ == '__main__':
from utils import create_chat_df, create_students_df

chat_file_path = r"C:\Users\Inbar Shirizly\Documents\python\useful\ITC_programs\zoom_attendance_check\chat files\meeting_example_full_name.txt"
excel_file_path = r"C:\Users\Inbar Shirizly\Documents\python\useful\ITC_programs\zoom_attendance_check\student_csv_examples\example_data_already_prepared.xlsx"

with open(chat_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
chat_df = create_chat_df(f.readlines())
df_students = create_students_df(file_name=excel_file_path.split("\\")[-1], file_data=excel_file_path)

my_class = Attendance(chat_df, df_students, ['name', "id_number", "phone"], 5, "Attendance check", ["ITC", "Tech", "Challenge"])

df_part_session = my_class._sessions[0]

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/classrooms/
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from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from flask_wtf.file import FileField, FileAllowed, FileRequired
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField, IntegerField

class CreateClassForm(FlaskForm):
name = StringField('Name of the class', validators=[DataRequired()])
students_file = FileField('Csv/Excel file of students', validators=[FileAllowed(['xlsx', 'csv', 'xls']), FileRequired()])
submit = SubmitField('Create')

class CreateReportForm(FlaskForm):
start_sentence = StringField('Sentence to start the zoom check', validators=[DataRequired()])
chat_file = FileField('Zoom chat file', validators=[FileRequired(), FileAllowed(['txt'])])
time = IntegerField('Number of minutes', validators=[DataRequired()])
submit = SubmitField('Create Report')
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/classrooms/
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re

class ParseClassFile:

def __init__(self, file_cols_dict, mashov_cols, gender_dict):
self._file_cols_dict = file_cols_dict
self._mashov_cols = mashov_cols
self._gender_dict = gender_dict

def from_object(cls, config):
return cls(

def parse_df(self, df_students):
relevant_cols = [col for col in df_students.columns if not col.startswith("Unnamed")]
current_excel_dict = {}

for col in relevant_cols:
for key, col_options in self._file_cols_dict.items():
if col in col_options:
current_excel_dict[key] = df_students[col]

if len(current_excel_dict) == 0 and len(relevant_cols) <= 1:
print("Mashov file")
header_index = df_students.notnull().sum(axis=1).argmax()
df_students = pd.DataFrame(df_students.values[header_index + 1:-2], columns=df_students.iloc[header_index])
df_students.dropna(axis=0, how='all', inplace=True)
df_students.dropna(axis=1, how='all', inplace=True)
df_students.rename(columns={np.nan: 'name', "פרטי תלמיד": 'name', "כיתה": "org_class"}, inplace=True)
df_students = df_students.loc[:, self._mashov_cols]

mashov_name_pattern = re.compile(r"([\u0590-\u05fe ]+)([(\u0590-\u05fe)]+)")
df_name_gender = df_students['name'].str.extract(mashov_name_pattern, expand=False)
df_students['gender'] = df_name_gender[1].str.extract("\(([\u0590-\u05fe ])\)")
df_students['gender'] = df_students['gender'].apply(self.gender_assign, gender_dict=self._gender_dict)
df_students['name'] = df_name_gender[0]

df_students = pd.DataFrame(current_excel_dict)

for col in self._file_cols_dict.keys():
df_students[col] = df_students[col]
except KeyError:
df_students[col] = pd.Series([np.nan] * df_students.shape[0])

final_df = df_students[list(self._file_cols_dict.keys())]

return final_df.reset_index().drop(columns="index")

def gender_assign(string, gender_dict):
for key, vals in gender_dict.items():
if string in vals:
return key
return ""
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/classrooms/
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from flask import render_template, redirect, url_for, flash, Blueprint, request, session
from Server import db
from Server.classrooms.forms import CreateClassForm, CreateReportForm
from Server.models import ClassroomModel, StudentModel, ReportModel, SessionModel, ZoomNamesModel, ChatModel
from flask_login import current_user, login_required
import pandas as pd
from Server.classrooms.attendance_check import Attendance
from Server.classrooms.utils import create_chat_df, create_students_df
from Server.classrooms import parser
from datetime import datetime

classrooms = Blueprint('classrooms', __name__)

@classrooms.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@classrooms.route('/home', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def home():
form = CreateClassForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
students_df = create_students_df(,
students = parser.parse_df(students_df)
new_class = ClassroomModel(, teacher_model=current_user)
students['class_id'] = pd.Series([] * students.shape[0])
students.to_sql('student_model', con=db.engine, if_exists="append", index=False)
return redirect(url_for('classrooms.classroom',
return render_template('home.html', form=form)

@classrooms.route('/classroom/<class_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def classroom(class_id):
current_class = ClassroomModel.query.filter_by(id=class_id, teacher_model=current_user).first() # Making sure the class belongs to the current user
if current_class is None:
flash('Invalid class!', 'danger')
return redirect(url_for('classrooms.home'))

form = CreateReportForm()
if form.validate_on_submit(): # If form was submitted, creating report for the class
description = "this is the best class" # TODO : add from the form file
report_date = # TODO : add from the form file
students_df = pd.read_sql(StudentModel.query.filter_by(class_id=class_id).statement, con=db.engine)
chat_file ="utf-8").split("\n")
chat_df = create_chat_df(chat_file)

report_object = Attendance(chat_df, students_df, ['name', "id_number", "phone"],,, ["ITC", "Tech", "Challenge"])

new_report = ReportModel(description=description, start_time=report_object.first_message_time, report_date=report_date, class_id=class_id)

# insert relevant data for each session to the database
for session_object in report_object.report_sessions:
session_table = SessionModel(start_time=session_object._first_message_time,

zoom_names_df = session_object.zoom_names_table(
zoom_names_df.to_sql('zoom_names_model', con=db.engine, if_exists="append", index=False)

zoom_names_df = pd.read_sql(ZoomNamesModel.query.filter_by(, con=db.engine)
session_chat_df = session_object.chat_table(zoom_names_df)
session_chat_df.to_sql('chat_model', con=db.engine, if_exists="append", index=False)

return render_template("report.html")

return render_template('classroom.html', current_class=current_class, form=form)

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/classrooms/
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import re
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

def create_chat_df(chat_file):

regex_pattern = re.compile(r"(^\d{2}.\d{2}.\d{2})\s+From\s\s([\s\S]+)\s:\s([\s\S]+)")
chat_content = [, line).groups() for line in chat_file if re.match(regex_pattern, line)]

chat_df = pd.DataFrame(chat_content, columns=["time", "zoom_name", "message"])
chat_df['message'] = chat_df['message'].str[:-1].astype(str)
chat_df["time"] = chat_df["time"].apply(lambda string: datetime.strptime(string, "%H:%M:%S"))

return chat_df

def create_students_df(file_name, file_data):

if file_name.endswith(".csv"):
df_students = pd.read_csv(file_data)
elif file_name.endswith(".xlsx"):
df_students = pd.read_excel(file_data)
df_students = pd.read_html(file_data, header=1)[0]

return df_students
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Server/Server/
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class FlaskConfig:
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///site.db'

class ParseConfig:

"name": ["שם התלמיד", "תלמידים", "שמות", "שם", "סטודנט"],
"id_number": ["תעודת זהות", "ת.ז.", "ת.ז", "תז"],
"phone": ["טלפון", "מספר טלפון", "מס טלפון"],
"gender": ["מין"],
"org_class": ["כיתה"]
MASHOV_COLS = ["name", "org_class"]
GENDER_DICT = {1: ["זכר", "ז", "(ז)"], 0: ["נקבה", "נ", "(נ)"]}

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