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1. Input Output

1.1. Write a program that prints your name
1.2. An integer variable n contains 5. Write a program that prints value of n.
1.3. Write a program that read and display an integer number
1.4. Write a program that read and display floating point number
1.5. Write a program that read and display a long number
1.6. Write a program that read and display a long integer number
1.7. Write a program that read and display double number

1.8. Write a program that read and display any character
1.9. Write a program that read ASCII value and display equivalent character
1.10. Wrtie a program that read any character and display equivalent ASCII value
1.11. Write a program that read any lower case character and display in upper case
1.12. Write a program that read any upper case character and display in lower case

1.13. Write a program that read any decimal number and display equivalent octal number
1.14. Write a program that read any decimal number and display equivalent hexadecimal number
1.15. Write a program that read any octal number and display equivalent decimal number
1.16. Write a program that read any hexadecimal number and display equivalent decimal number

1.17. Write a program that read as many characters as need to read your name and display the characters 
      sequencially without spaces

1.18. Write a program that read and display your name
1.19. Write a program that read and display a line of text

1.20. Write a program that read any date in the format DD/MM/YYYY and displays day, month and year separately
1.21. Write a program that read any date in the format DD-MM-YYYY and displays day, month and year separately
1.22. Write a program that read any date in the format DD MM YYYY and displays day, month and year separately
1.23. Write a program that read any date in the format DD,MM,YYYY and displays day, month and year separately

2. Operator

2.1. Write a program that read two integer and display sum
2.2. Write a program that subtracts two integers
2.3. Write a program that read two integers and display product
2.4. Write a program that read two integers and divide them
2.5. Write a program that read two floating point numbers and divide them
2.6. Write a program that read two integer and display remainder

2.7. Write a program that read radius of a circle and display the area
2.8. Write a program that read temperature in Celsius and display in Farenheit
2.9. Write a program that read temperature in Farenheit and display in Celsius

2.10. Write a program that read two numbers and display bitwise AND
2.11. Write a program that read two numbers and display bitwise OR
2.12. Write a program that read two numbers and display bitwise Exclusive OR

2.13. Write a program that read a number and divide by two using shift operator
2.14. Write a program that read a number and multiply by two using shift operator
2.15. Write a program that read a number and multiply by five using shift operator

2.16. Write a program that read a number and mod by four using bitwise AND
2.17. Write a program that read a number and mod by eight using bitwise AND

2.18. Write a C program to swap the values of two variables using temporary variable
2.19. Write a C program to swap the values of two variables without using temporary variable

2.20. Write a program that read two numbers and display maximum using ternary operator
2.21. Write a program that read two numbers and display minimum using ternary operator

3. Math.h

3.1. Write a program that read any integer number and display absolute value

3.2. Write a program that read any angle t and display sin(t)
3.3. Write a program that read any angle t and display cos(t)
3.4. Write a program that read any angle t and display tan(t)
3.5. Write a program that read any angle t and display cot(t)
3.6. Write a program that read any angle t and display sec(t)
3.7. Write a program that read any angle t and display cosec(t)

3.8. Write a program that read a value n and display sin inverse(n)
3.9. Write a program that read a value n and display cos inverse(n)
3.10. Write a program that read a value n and display tan inverse(n)
3.11. Write a program that read a value n and display cot inverse(n)
3.12. Write a program that read a value n and display sec inverse(n)
3.13. Write a program that read a value n and display cosec inverse(n)

3.14. Write a program that read two numbers base, power and display the value of base^power
3.15. Write a program that read any number and display it's square root
3.16. Write a program that read any number x and display e^x
3.17. Write a program that read any number x and display log(x)
3.18. Write a program that read any number x and display log10(x)

4. Conditional Logic

4.1. Write a program that read an integer and prints odd or even
4.2. Write a program to determine whether a number is divisible by 5 or not

4.3. Write a program that read two numbers and display maximum
4.4. Write a program that read two numbers and display minimum

4.5. Write a program that read three numbers and display maximum
4.6. Write a program that read three numbers and display minimum
4.7. Write a program that read three numbers and display mediam

4.8. Write a program that read mark and display pass or fail
4.9. Write a program that read mark and display result in grade
4.10. Write a program that read any year and display its leap year or not

4.11. Write the code to check whether an input alphabet is a vowel or not. Both lower-case and upper-case should
      be checked

4.12. Write a C program to input any character and check whether it is alphabet, digit or special character

4.13. Write a C program to check whether a character is uppercase or lowercase alphabet

4.14. Write a C program to generate a simple arithmetic calculator
	enter two numbers: 6 5
	select the menu:
	1. Add
	2. Subtract
	3. Multiply
	4. Divide

4.15. Write a program that read three numbers a,b,c and determine the roots of the quadratic equation:
			ax^2 + bx + c = 0

4.16. Write a C program to input angles of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not
4.17. Write a C program to input all sides of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not
4.18. Write a C program to check whether the triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle

5. Switch

5.1. Write a program that read a digit and diplay by spelling
5.2. Write a program that read any number and display equivalent roman number

5.3. Write a C program to print day of week name using switch case
5.4. Write a C program print total number of days in a month using switch case

5.5. Write a C program to create Simple Calculator using switch case

6. Series

6.1. Write a program to calculate the series: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n
6.2. Write a program to calculate the series: 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + ... + n
6.3. Write a program to calculate the series: 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ... + n
6.4. Write a program to calculate the series: 4 + 12 + 20 + 28 + ... + n
6.5. Write a program to calculate the series: 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + ... + n

6.6. Write a program to calculate the series: 1.2 + 2.3 + 3.4 + ... + n(n+1)
6.7. Write a program to calculate the series: 2.1 + 5.3 + 8.5 + ... + n(n - nth)
6.8. Write a program to calculate the series: 1.3 + 3.5 + 5.7 + ... + n(n+2)

6.9. Write a program to calculate the series: 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... + n^2
6.10. Write a program to calculate the series: 1^2 + 3^2 + 5^2 + ... + n^2
6.11. Write a program to calculate the series: 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + ... + n^3
6.12. Write a program to calculate the series: 1^1 + 2^2 + 3^3 + ... + n^n

6.13. Write a program to calculate the series: 1.1^2 + 2.3^2 + 3.5^2 + ... + n.(n + nth - 1)^2
6.14. Write a program to calculate the series: 1.2^2 + 2.3^2 + 3.4^2 + ... + n.(n+1)^2

6.15. Write a program to calculate the series: 1.2.3 + 2.3.4 + 3.4.5 + ... + n(n+1)(n+2)
6.16. Write a program to calculate the series: 2.5.8 + 5.8.11 + 8.11.14 + ... + n(n+3)(n+6)
6.17. Write a program to calculate the series: 5.6.7 + 6.7.8 + 7.8.9 + ... + n(n+1)(n+2)

6.18. Write a program to calculate the series: + + + ... + n(n+2)(n+4)(n+6)

Mini Section - Traversing loop in reverse order

6.51. Write a program to print all numbers from 100 to 1.
6.52. Write a program to print all even numbers from 100 to 1.
6.53. Write a program to print all odd numbers from 100 to 1.
6.54. Write a program to print all number from n to 1.
6.55. Write a program to print all number who is divible by 5 from n to 1.
6.56. Write a program to print all number who is divible by y from n to 1 (y < n).

7. Pyramid

		1 2
		1 2 3

		2 2
		3 3 3

		0 0
		1 1 1
		0 0 0 0
		1 1 1 1 1

		1 0
		1 0 1
		1 0 1 0
		1 0 1 0 1

		3 4
		4 5 6
		5 6 7 8
		6 7 8 9 10

		2 3
		3 4 5
		4 5 6 7
		5 6 7 8 9

		1 0
		0 1 0
		1 0 1 0
		0 1 0 1 0

		0 1
		1 0 1
		0 1 0 1
		1 0 1 0 1

		B B
		C C C
		D D D D 
		E E E E E

		A B
		A B C
		A B C D
		A B C D E

		1 2 3 4 5
		1 2 3 4
		1 2 3
		1 2

		5 5 5 5 5
		4 4 4 4
		3 3 3
		2 2

		1 1 1 1 1
		0 0 0 0
		1 1 1
		0 0

		1 0 1 0 1
		1 0 1 0
		1 0 1
		1 0

		6 7 8 9 10
		5 6 7 8
		4 5 6
		3 4

		5 6 7 8 9
		4 5 6 7
		3 4 5
		2 3

		0 1 0 1 0
		1 0 1 0
		0 1 0
		1 0

		1 0 1 0 1
		0 1 0 1
		1 0 1
		0 1

		E E E E E
		D D D D
		C C C
		B B

		A B C D E
		A B C D
		A B C
		A B


		      1 2
		    1 2 3
		  1 2 3 4
		1 2 3 4 5

		      2 2
		    3 3 3 
		  4 4 4 4 
		5 5 5 5 5

		      0 0 
		    1 1 1
		  0 0 0 0
		1 1 1 1 1

		      1 0
		    1 0 1
		  1 0 1 0
		1 0 1 0 1


0 space between digits

		      2 2
		    3 3 3
		  4 4 4 4
		5 5 5 5 5

1 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

		       2 2
		      3 3 3
		     4 4 4 4
		    5 5 5 5 5

1 space between digits in just main loop

		      2   2
		    3   3   3
		  4   4   4   4
		5   5   5   5   5

3 space between digits in just main loop

			   B B
			  C C C
			 D D D D
			E E E E E

1 space between digits in just main loop

		      B   B
		    C   C   C
		  D   D   D   D
		E   E   E   E   E

3 space between digits in just main loop

				B B
				C C C 
				D D D D
				E E E E E
				D D D D
				C C C
				B B

			   B B
			  C C C 
			 D D D D
			E E E E E
			 D D D D
			  C C C
			   B B

1 space between digits in just main loop

		      B   B
		    C   C   C
		  D   D   D   D
		E   E   E   E   E
		  D   D   D   D
		    C   C   C
		      B   B

3 space between digits in just main loop

			   2 2
			  3 3 3
			 4 4 4 4
			5 5 5 5 5
			 4 4 4 4
			  3 3 3
			   2 2

1 space between digits in just main loop

			    2   2
			3   3   3
		    4   4   4   4
		5   5   5   5   5
		    4   4   4   4
			3   3   3
			    2   2

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

		2 2
		3 3 3
		4 4 4 4
		5 5 5 5 5
		4 4 4 4
		3 3 3
		2 2

		      2 2
		    3 3 3
		  4 4 4 4
		5 5 5 5 5
		  4 4 4 4
		    3 3 3
		      2 2

		      1 2 1
		    1 2 3 2 1
		  1 2 3 4 3 2 1
		1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

		      1 2 1
		    1 2 3 2 1
		  1 2 3 4 3 2 1
		1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
		  1 2 3 4 3 2 1
		    1 2 3 2 1
		      1 2 1

						2   3   2
						3   4   5   4   3
						4   5   6   7   6   5   4
						5   6   7   8   9   8   7   6   5
						6   7   8   9  10  11  10   9   8   7   6
						7   8   9  10  11  12  13  12  11  10   9   8   7
						6   7   8   9  10  11  10   9   8   7   6
						5   6   7   8   9   8   7   6   5
						4   5   6   7   6   5   4
						3   4   5   4   3
						2   3   2

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

						2   3   2
					    3   4   5   4   3
					4   5   6   7   6   5   4
				    5   6   7   8   9   8   7   6   5
				6   7   8   9  10  11  10   9   8   7   6
	                    7   8   9  10  11  12  13  12  11  10   9   8   7
				6   7   8   9  10  11  10   9   8   7   6
			            5   6   7   8   9   8   7   6   5
				        4   5   6   7   6   5   4
					    3   4   5   4   3
						2   3   2

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

					      2 3 2
					    3 4 5 4 3
					  4 5 6 7 6 5 4
				        5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5
				      6 7 8 9 0 1 0 9 8 7 6
				    7 8 9 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 9 8 7
			              6 7 8 9 0 1 0 9 8 7 6
					5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5
					  4 5 6 7 6 5 4
				            3 4 5 4 3
					      2 3 2

1 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

						    2   3   2
						3   4   5   4   3
					    4   5   6   7   6   5   4
					5   6   7   8   9   8   7   6   5
				    6   7   8   9   0   1   0   9   8   7   6
				7   8   9   0   1   2   3   2   1   0   9   8   7
				    6   7   8   9   0   1   0   9   8   7   6
					5   6   7   8   9   8   7   6   5
					    4   5   6   7   6   5   4
						3   4   5   4   3
						    2   3   2

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

		 2   3
		 4   5   6
		 7   8   9   10
		11  12  13   14   15

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

			2   1
			3   3   1
			4   6   4   1
			5  10  10   5   1
			6  15  20  15   6   1

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

			1   1
			1   2   1
			1   3   3   1
			1   4   6   4   1
			1   5  10  10   5   1
			1   6  15  20  15   6   1

3 space between digits in both spacer and main loop

7.40. The following program asks the user to enter a number n. It then prints a picture showing a triangle
that points to the right that has 2n - 1 rows and n columns. For example, if n = 4 the program would print

7.41. The following program asks the user to enter a number n. It then prints a picture showing a
downward pointing triangle with n rows and 2n - 1 columns. For example, if n = 4 it would print


7.42. Write a complete C program that asks the user for a number n of triangles to print. It then
prints n triangles made of X symbols, one above another. Each triangle has n rows and every second 
triangle is upside down. The triangles should be separated by lines of - symbols.

For example, here is the output from the program where the user specifies 4 for n.


7.43. Write a complete C program that asks the user for a number n and then prints a large grid
of small squares. Each small square has size (n − 1) × (n − 1) and contains ∗ symbols. The large grid should have n rows each of which contains n small squares, with a blank column separating these squares. The rows of small squares in the large grid should be separated by blank rows.
For example, if the user specified 3 for n, the program would print as follows:

		** ** **
		** ** **

		** ** **
		** ** **

		** ** **
		** ** **

7.44. Write a complete C++ program that asks the user for a number n and prints n squares made of
∗ symbols each with an upward diagonal stripe made of O symbols. Each square has height n and width n and the
squares form a horizontal sequence.
For example, if the user specified 4 for n, the program would print as follows:

***O ***O ***O ***O
**O* **O* **O* **O*
*O** *O** *O** *O**
O*** O*** O*** O***

7.45. Write a complete C program that asks the user to enter a positive integer n. If n is not positive
the program should print a message Not positive. Enter another: and continue to do this until the user 
enters a positive integer. Then the program should print n squares of *s with decreasing size that begin 
with an n × n square and end with a 1 × 1 square. The right hand edges of the squares should line up.

Enter a positive integer n: -3
Not positive. Enter another: 4


7.46. Write a complete C program that asks the user to enter an odd positive integer n. If n is illegal
the program must terminate at once. Otherwise the program should print squares of *s. that begin with an n × n
square and end with a 1 × 1 square and such that the sizes of squares decrease by 2 as they go down the page. The right hand edges of the squares should line up.

Enter an odd positive integer n: 5


8.  Loop

8.1. Write down a program that can take a lower bound i and an upper bound n and then find out the summation of
     those numbers which are even from i to n.

8.2. Write down a program that can take a lower bound i and an upper bound n and then find out the summation of
     those numbers which are divisible by 3 from i to n.

8.3. Write a C program to print multiplication table of any number

8.4. Write a program that read a positive integer and display its factorial
8.5. Write a program that read a positive integer and display sum of its digit

8.6. Write a C program to find first and last digit of a number
8.7. Write a C program to find sum of first and last digit of a number
8.8. Write a C program to swap first and last digits of a number

8.9. Write a program that read any positive integer and display reverse

8.10. Write a program that read any positive integer and reverse the positive number

8.11. Write a C program to find one's complement of a binary number
8.12. Write a C program to find two's complement of a binary number

8.13. Write a program that read any decimal number and display equivalent binary number
8.14. Write a program that read any decimal number and display equivalent octal number
8.15. Write a program that read any decimal number and display equivalent hexadecimal number

8.16. Write a program that read two numbers and display GCD(greatest common divisor)
8.17. Write a program that read two numbers and display LCM(least common multiple)
8.18. Write a program that read two numbers(x,y) and display x^y (x power y) using loop

8.19. Write a program that read two numbers(n,r) and display nPr(Permutation) 
8.20. Write a program that read two numbers(n,r) and display nCr(Combination)

8.21. Write a program that read any integer and display its digital root (using loop)
	If the number is 12345, then digital root will be 6
	(Add all the digits of the number until summed value is in single digit) 

8.22. Write a program that read any integer and test that is prime or not

8.23. Write a program that prints all prime numbers from 1 to n
8.24. Write a program that prints all prime numbers from m to n (m > n)
8.25. Write a program that count total prime numbers from 1 to n

8.26. Write a program that displays first n prime numbers.
8.27. Write a program that displays first n Fibonacci
8.28. Write a program that displays all fibonacci numbers from 1 to n
8.29. Write a program that determine a number fibonacci or not

8.30. Write a C program to find out all the palindrome numbers in the range 0 to 10000. Also print the
      palindrome numbers

      Hint: If a positive integer and its reverse are same then the number is called a palindrome.
            242 is parildrome because 242 = 242 (reversed but still same) 

8.31. Write a C program to find out the perfect numbers in the range 0 to 10000. Also print them

      Hint: a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors.
            The smallest perfect number is 6, which is the sum of 1, 2 and 3

8.32. Write a C program to find out the strong numbers in the range 0 to 10000. Also print them

            145 is strong number. Since, 1!+4!+5! = 145.

8.33. Write a C program to find out the armstrong numbers in the range 0 to 10000. Also print them

            371 is armstrong number. Since, 371 three digits, so, 3^3 + 7^3 + 1^3 = 371.
            1634 is armstrong number. Since, 1634 four digits, so, 1^4 + 6^4 + 3^4 + 4^4 = 1634.

            all single digit numbers are armstrong number.

8.34. Write a C program to check if an integer (entered by the user) can be expressed as the sum of two prime
      numbers. Also show all of the possible combinations

      Hint: Enter a positive integer: 34
		34 = 3 + 31
		34 = 5 + 29
		34 = 11 + 23
		34 = 17 + 17

8.35. Write a C program to print Pascal triangle upto n rows

9. goto, break, continue

9.1. Write a program that finds the first multiple of 7 between 50 and 100.
9.2. Write a program that prints all odd numbers between 1 and 20.
9.3. Write a program that sums integers entered by the user until the user enters a negative number.

9.4. Write a program that uses nested loops to find a pair of numbers (i, j) such that i ranges from 1 to 5 and j ranges from 1 to 5, and their product is 12.

9.5. Write a program that prints a multiplication table from 1 to 5, but skips the multiples of 3.
9.6. Write a program that finds the first prime number greater than 50.

9.7. Write a program that calculates the sum of all numbers between 1 and 100 that are not multiples of 5

9.8. Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to enter a positive integer. If the user enters a non-positive integer, prompt them again. The program should stop asking for input when the user has entered 5 positive integers and then print the sum of these integers.

9.9. Write a program that reads numbers from the user until the user enters a zero. The program should print the sum of all positive numbers entered and the count of negative numbers entered.

10. One Dimensional Array

10.1. Write a program that read and display an array

10.2. Write a program that read an array and display sum
10.3. Write a program that read an array and display average
10.4. Write a program that read an array and display maximum
10.5. Write a program that read an array and display minimum

10.6. Write a program that inserts any number in an array
10.7. Write a program that deletes any number from an array

10.8. Write a program that searches any number from an array

10.9. write a program that read and sort an array in ascending order
10.10. write a program that read and sort an array in decending order

10.11. Write a program that read and sort an array using bubble sort in ascending order
10.12. Write a program that read and sort an array using bubble sort in decending order

10.13. Write a program that read an array and display median

10.14. Write a program that display first n fibonacci numbers using array
10.15. Write a program that display first n prime numbers using array

10.16. Write a program that reads any decimal number and display equivalent binary number

11. Multi Dimentional Array

11.1. Write a program that read and display read and display a 2D array
11.2. Write a program that read and display read and display a matrix

11.3. Write a program that adds two matrices
11.4. Write a program that substract two matrices
11.5. Write a program that multiply two matrices

11.6. Write a program that add and multiply two matrices

11.7. Write a program that displays Pascal Pyramid

	2   1
	3   3   1
	4   6   4   1
	5  10  10   5   1

3 spaces between 1 digits number, 2 spaces between 2 digits number

12. String

12.1. Write a program that displays a string (single word)
12.2. Write a program that displays a string (a line)

12.3. Write a program that converts a line to uppercase.
12.4. Write a program that converts a line to lowercase.

12.5. Write a program that read a line of text and display it's length
12.6. Write a program that read a line of text and display it in reverse order

12.7. Write a program that read your name and display every character with one space
12.8. Write a program that read your name and display every character with one space in reverse order

12.9. Write a program that read any line of text and display every character in separate line
12.10. Write a program that read any line of text and display every character with ASCII value in separate line

12.11. Write a program that read any line of text and display number of uppercase, lowercase, digits, spaces and
       other characters

12.12. Write a program that read any line of text and display number of vowels, consonants, digits, spaces and
       other characters

12.13. Write a program that read a line of text and displays the frequency of every character

12.14. Write a program that read two lines of text and copy second line into first line
12.15. Write a program that read two lines of text and add second line with first line

12.16. Write a program that compares two strings
12.17. Write a program that compares two strings without case sensitivity

12.18. Write a program that read and display an array of string

12.19. Write a program that read and display an array of strings with alphabetic order (without case sensitive)
12.20. Write a program that read and display an array of strings with alphabetic order (with case sensitive)

13. String.h

13.1. Write a program that read a line of text and display it's length

13.2. Write a program that read a line of text and display it in reverse order

13.3. Write a program that read two lines of text and copy second line into first line
13.4. Write a program that read two lines of text and add second line with first line

13.5. Write a program that read a line of text and display in lowercase 
13.6. Write a program that read a line of text and display in uppercase 

13.7. Write a program that compares two strings
13.8. Write a program that compares two strings without case sensitivity

14. Function

14.1.1. Write a function that reads two integers and display Addition
14.1.2. Write a function that reads two integers and returns Addition
14.1.3. Write a function that gets two integers and display Addition
14.1.4. Write a function that gets two integers and returns Addition

14.2.1. Write a function that reads two integers and display Substraction
14.2.2. Write a function that reads two integers and returns Substraction
14.2.3. Write a function that gets two integers and display Substraction
14.2.4. Write a function that gets two integers and returns Substraction

14.3.1. Write a function that reads two integers and display Multiplication
14.3.2. Write a function that reads two integers and returns Multiplication
14.3.3. Write a function that gets two integers and display Multiplication
14.3.4. Write a function that gets two integers and returns Multiplication

14.4.1. Write a function that reads two integers and display Division
14.4.2. Write a function that reads two integers and returns Division
14.4.3. Write a function that gets two integers and display Division
14.4.4. Write a function that gets two integers and returns Division

14.5.1. Write a function that reads two integers and display maximum
14.5.2. Write a function that reads two integers and returns maximum
14.5.3. Write a function that gets two integers and display maximum
14.5.4. Write a function that gets two integers and returns maximum

14.6.1. Write a function that reads two integers and display minimum
14.6.2. Write a function that reads two integers and returns minimum
14.6.3. Write a function that gets two integers and display minimum
14.6.4. Write a function that gets two integers and returns minimum

14.7.1. Write a function that reads three integers and display maximum
14.7.2. Write a function that reads three integers and returns maximum
14.7.3. Write a function that gets three integers and display maximum
14.7.4. Write a function that gets three integers and returns maximum

14.8.1. Write a function that reads three integers and display minimum
14.8.2. Write a function that reads three integers and returns minimum
14.8.3. Write a function that gets three integers and display minimum
14.8.4. Write a function that gets three integers and returns minimum

14.9.1. Write a function that reads three integers and display median
14.9.2. Write a function that reads three integers and returns median
14.9.3. Write a function that gets three integers and display median
14.9.4. Write a function that gets three integers and returns median

14.10. Write a function that gets length and width of a rectangle and returns area
14.11. Write a function that gets radius of a circle and returns area

14.12. Write a function that gets any positive integer and returns it's factorial
14.13. Write a function that gets any positive integer and returns it's digital sum
14.14. Write a function that gets any positive integer and returns it's digital root
14.15. Write a function that gets any positive integer and returns it's reverse

14.16. Write a function that gets any positive integer and determine it's prime or not

14.17. Write a function that gets two positive integer(a,b) and returns a to the power b

14.18. Write a function that gets two positive integer and returns nPr (Permutation)
14.19. Write a function that gets two positive integer and returns nCr (Combination)

14.20. Write a function that gets two positive integer and returns GCD (greatest common divisor)
14.21. Write a function that gets two positive integer and returns LCM (least common multiple)

14.22. Write a function that gets an array and returns sum
14.23. Write a function that gets an array and returns average
14.24. Write a function that gets an array and returns maximum
14.25. Write a function that gets an array and returns minimum

14.26. Write a function that gets an array and adds 10 to each element
14.27. Write a function that gets an array and subtract 15 from each element
14.28. Write a function that gets an array and product each element by 5

14.29. Write a function that searches any number in an array
14.30. Write a function that sorts an array Ascending
14.31. Write a function that sorts an array Decending

14.32. Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd using functions
14.33. Write a C program to check whether a number is prime or not using functions
14.34. Write a C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not using functions
14.35. Write a C program to check whether a number is perfect or not using functions
14.36. Write a C program to check whether a number is strong or not using functions

14.37. Write a C program to find all prime numbers between a given interval using functions.
14.38. Write a C program to find all palindrome numbers between a given interval using functions.
14.39. Write a C program to find all perfect numbers between given a interval using functions.
14.40. Write a C program to find all strong numbers between given a interval using functions.

14.41. Write a function that gets a string and returns it's length
14.42. Write a function that gets a string and reverse all characters

14.43. Write a function that gets a string and convert it to uppercase
14.44. Write a function that gets a string and convert it to lowercase
14.45. Write a function that gets a string and copy to another string

14.46. Write a function that gets two string and compares them
14.47. Write a function that gets two string and concatenates (adds) them

15. Recursion

15.1. Write a recursive function that gets any positive integer and returns it's factorial
15.2. Write a recursive function that returns nth Fibonacci number.

15.3. Write a recursive function that prints 50 to 100.
15.4. Write a recursive function that prints the Fibonacci series.
15.5. Write a recursive function that prints 4 12 20 28 series up to 10th.

15.6. Write a recursive function to calculate the series: 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + ... + n
15.7. Write a recursive function to calculate the series: 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + ... + n^2
15.8. Write a recursive function to calculate the series: 1^1 + 2^2 + 3^3 + 4^4 + ... + n^n

15.9. Write recursive functions to build the following pyramid

		1 2
		1 2 3

15.10. Write recursive functions to build the following pyramid

		2 2
		3 3 3

15.11. Write recursive functions to build the following pyramid

		0 0
		1 1 1
		0 0 0 0
		1 1 1 1 1

15.12. Write recursive functions to build the following pyramid

		1 0
		1 0 1
		1 0 1 0
		1 0 1 0 1

15.13. Write recursive functions to build the following pyramid

		2 3
		3 4 5
		4 5 6 7
		5 6 7 8 9

16. Pointer

16.1. Write a program that read any number and display it with pointer variables.
16.2. Write a program that read any number and change it with a pointer variable then display it.

16.3. Write a void function that gets two numbers and adds them, then display the result within main
      function. (x + y)

16.4. Write a void function that gets two numbers and substract them, then display the result within main
      function. (x - y)

16.5. Write a void function that gets two numbers and multiply them, then display the result within main
      function. (x * y)

16.6. Write a void function that gets two numbers and divide them, then display the result within main
      function. (x / y)

16.7. Write a void function that gets two numbers and determine maximum, then display the result within main

16.8. Write a void function that gets two numbers and determine minimum, then display the result within main

16.9. Write a void function that gets three numbers and determine maximum, then display the result within main

16.10. Write a void function that gets three numbers and determine minimum, then display the result within main

16.11. Write a void function that gets three numbers and determine median, then display the result within main

16.12. Write a void function that gets a number and calculate factorial, then display the result within main

16.13. Write a void function that gets a number and calculate sum of the digit, then display the result 
       within main function.

16.14. Write a void function that gets a number and reverse it, then display the result 
       within main function.

16.15. Write a void function that gets an array and find average, then display the result 
       within main function.

16.16. Write a program that read an array and display it. access the array with pointers not with indexing

17. Structure

17.1. Write a program that read and display any student's name, roll, and total mark using structure
17.2. Write a program that read and display some student's name, roll, and total mark using structure

17.3. Write a program that read and display basic information of a departments students using structure

17.4. Write a program that read and display some student's name, roll, subject wise mark, total mark and
      average using structure.

17.5. Write a program that read roll, three subjects mark and display the highest mark in each subjects and
      highest total with the students roll who obtained this using structure.

17.6. Write a program that read some players  name, team name and batting average. Display this accroding to
      team name.

17.7. Write a program that read some students name, id, department and display them according to department.

18. File

19. Dynamic Memory Allocation


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