Requires Ago's Client Mod Launcher to run.
This mod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Description This mod transfers messages from arbitrary chat tab(Village chat for example) to Discord channel.
Setup instructions:
- Install mod following instructions of Ago's Client Mod Launcher
- Modify the file. This file must contain the discord bot token, the name of discord server and the transfer list.
Messages from village or alliance chats will be transferred to corresponding Discord chat rooms - villagechat and alliancechat respectively
- Download JDA-3.4.0_317-withDependencies.jar and copy to the directory where WurmLauncher.exe file lies.
How to use:
- In the game console type "discord on". Any messages you get in configured chats will be transferred to discord and vice versa.
- If someone will type "!who" in the discord chat room - the bot will answer with the list of online players in corresponding chat tab. The timeout is 10 seconds.
- "discord off" in game console will turn mod off.
- "discord info" will print out every transfers you configured