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Releases: IftachSadeh/ANNZ

ANNZ v2.3.2

15 Dec 16:11
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Bug fixes for root v6.22, see #7.

ANNZ v2.3.1

12 Dec 14:58
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  • Updated py/ and scripts/ for python-3.6 compatibility.

  • Fixed bug in the Makefile; now ROOT shared libraries are linked after the local objects.

  • Added isReadOnlySys option, usable for evaluation only. One may set isReadOnlySys = Ture while using the python wrapper, in order to avoid writing anything to disk during evaluation.

  • Fixed issue of unnecessary excess memory consumption following validation of XML files.

  • Added minPdfWeight functionality to the new version of PDF generation using the random walk alg.

ANNZ v2.3.0

03 Apr 10:04
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For users:

  • Changed the optimization method for generating regression PDFs. The new default method (denoted in the output as PDF_0) is now generated based on a simple random walk alg. The previous versions of the PDF are now denoted as PDF_1 and PDF_2. While currently available, the deprecated PDFs are not guaranteed to be supported in the future. In order to derive the deprecated PDFs, set:

    glob.annz["nPDFs"] = 3
    glob.annz["addOldStylePDFs"] = True
  • (1) Two new job options corresponding to PDF_0 have been added: max_optimObj_PDF and nOptimLoops (see and scripts/ for details). (2) The default value of excludeRangePdfModelFit has been changed from 0.1 to 0. (3) Added several job options for plotting, to control the extent of underflow and overflow regions in the regression target: underflowZ, overflowZ, underflowZwidth, overflowZwidth, nUnderflowBins, nOverflowBins. (See src/myANNZ.cpp for details.) (4) Added a variable, nZclosBins, to control the number of bins used for optimization-metric calculations in regression. (See src/myANNZ.cpp for details.) (5) ROOT scripts are no longer stored by default for each plot. Set savePlotScripts to choose otherwise.

  • Added a wrapper class, which allows calling the evaluation phase for regression/classification directly from python. This can be used to integrate ANNZ directly within pipelines. The python interface is defined in py/, with a full example given in scripts/ (See for details.)

  • Bug fix in a few python scripts, where the example for the weightInp_wgtKNN option had previously been set to numerically insignificant values.

  • Changed the interface to turn off colour output (see

For developers:

  • Major revamp of the Makefile, including adding a step of precompilation of the shared include/commonInclude.hpp header.

  • Reorganization of shared namespaces.

  • Created a new Manager class as part of include/myANNZ.hpp, src/myANNZ.cpp.

  • The new random walk alg for generating regression PDFs is implemented in ANNZ::getRndMethodBestPDF(), which has been completely revamped. The old version of this function has been renamed to ANNZ::getOldStyleRndMethodBestPDF(). It is now used in order to derive PDF_1 and PDF_2.

  • Added a wrapper class for e.g., python integration, implemented in include/Wrapper.hpp, src/Wrapper.cpp and py/

  • Completely rewrote ANNZ::doEvalReg() to comply with pipeline integration. Added new interfaces for regression evaluation, as implemented in src/ANNZ_regEval.cpp.

ANNZ v2.2.2

04 Mar 04:38
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  • Added the option to to not store the full value of pdfs in the output of optimization/evaluation, by setting

    glob.annz["doStorePdfBins"] = False

    In this case, only the average metrics of a pdf are included in the output.

  • Added the sampleFrac_errKNN option, to allow to sub-sample the input dataset for the knn uncertainty calculation (similar to e.g., sampleFracInp_wgtKNN and sampleFracInp_inTrain).

  • Added metric plots of the distribution of the KNN error estimator vs. the true bias. The plots are added to the output by setting

    glob.annz["doKnnErrPlots"] = True
  • Added support for input ROOT files with different Tree names.

  • Added support for ROOT version 6.8.*.

  • Other minor modifications and bug fixes.

ANNZ v2.2.1

01 Nov 10:45
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  • Fixed bug with using general math expressions for the weightVarNames_wgtKNN and weightVarNames_inTrain variables.
  • Modified the Makefile to explicitly include rpath in LDFLAGS, which may be needed for pre-compiled versions of ROOT.
  • Modified subprocess.check_output() in examples/scripts/ , for Python 3.x.
  • Fixed bug which caused a segmentation fault in some cases during reweighting.
  • Other minor modifications and bug fixes.

ANNZ v2.2.0

24 May 09:40
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  • Added a bias correction procedure for MLMs, which may be switched off using glob.annz["doBiasCorMLM"] = False. (See and scripts/ for details.)
  • Added the option to generate error estimations (using the KNN method) for a general input dataset. An example script is provided as scripts/ (A detailed description is given in
  • Added the userWeights_metricPlots job option, which can be used to set weight expressions for the performance plots of regression. (See for details.)
  • Changed the binning scheme for the performance plots of auxiliary variables (defined using glob.annz["addOutputVars"]). Instead of equal-width bins, the plots now include bins which are defined as each having the same number of objects (equal-quantile binning). This e.g., reduces statistical fluctuations in computations of the bias, scatter and other parameters, as a function of the variables used for the training.
  • Changed the default number of training cycles for ANNs from 5000 to a (more reasonable) randomized choice in the range [500,2000] (ANNZ::generateOptsMLM()). The option may be set to any other value by the user, using the NCycles setting. E.g., during training, set: glob.annz["userMLMopts"] = "ANNZ_MLM=ANN::HiddenLayers=N,N+3:NCycles=3500".
  • Fixed minor bug in ANNZ::Train_binnedCls(), which caused a mismatch of job-options for some configuration of binned classification.
  • Added a version-tag to all intermediate option files, with a format as e.g., [versionTag]=ANNZ_2.1.3.
  • Minor change to the selection criteria for ANNZ_best in randomized regression.
  • Other minor modifications and bug fixes.

ANNZ v2.1.2

15 Mar 13:09
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  • Improved selection criteria for ANNZ_best in randomized regression. The optimization is now based on glob.annz["optimCondReg"]="sig68" or "bias" (The "fracSig68" option is deprecated.)

  • Significant speed improvement for KNN weights and inTrainFlag calculations in CatFormat::addWgtKNNtoTree().

  • Modified CatFormat::addWgtKNNtoTree() and CatFormat::inputToSplitTree_wgtKNN() so that both training and testing objects are used together as the reference dataset, when deriving KNN weights. This new option is on by default, and may be turned off by setting:

    glob.annz["trainTestTogether_wgtKNN"] = False
    • For developers: internal interface change (not backward compatible) - What used to be CatFormat::addWgtKNNtoTree(TChain * aChainInp, TChain * aChainRef, TString outTreeName) has been changed to CatFormat::addWgtKNNtoTree(TChain * aChainInp, TChain * aChainRef, TChain * aChainEvl, TString outTreeName).
  • Cancelled the splitTypeValid option, which was not very useful and confusing for users. From now on, input datasets may only be divided into two subsets, one for training and one for testing. The user may define the training/testing samples in one of two ways (see scripts/ for details):

    1. Automatic splitting:

      glob.annz["splitType"]    = "random"
      glob.annz["inAsciiFiles"] = "boss_dr10_0.csv;boss_dr10_1.csv"

      Set a list of input files in inAsciiFiles, and use splitType to specify the method for splitting the sample. Allowed values for the latter are serial, blocks or random.

    2. Splitting by file:

      glob.annz["splitType"]      = "byInFiles"
      glob.annz["splitTypeTrain"] = "boss_dr10_0.csv"
      glob.annz["splitTypeTest"]  = "boss_dr10_1.csv;boss_dr10_2.csv"

      Set a list of input files for training in splitTypeTrain, and a list of input files for testing in splitTypeTest.

  • Added plotting for the evaluation mode of regression (single regression, randomized regression and binned classification). If the regression target is detected as part of the evaluated dataset, the nominal performance plots are created. For instance, for the scripts/ script, the plots will be created in output/test_randReg_quick/regres/eval/plots/.

  • Fixed bug in plotting routine from ANNZ::doMetricPlots(), when adding user-defined cuts for variables not already present in the input trees.

  • Simplified the interface for string variables in cut and weight expressions.

    • For example, given a set of input parameters,

      glob.annz["inAsciiVars"] = "D:MAG_AUTO_G;D:MAG_AUTO_R;D:MAG_AUTO_I;D:Z_SPEC;C:FIELD"

      one can now use cuts and weights of the form:

      glob.annz["userCuts_train"]    = "    (FIELD == \"FIELD_0\") ||     (FIELD == \"FIELD_1\")"
      glob.annz["userCuts_valid"]    = "    (FIELD == \"FIELD_1\") ||     (FIELD == \"FIELD_2\")"
      glob.annz["userWeights_train"] = "1.0*(FIELD == \"FIELD_0\") +  2.0*(FIELD == \"FIELD_1\")"
      glob.annz["userWeights_valid"] = "1.0*(FIELD == \"FIELD_1\") +  0.1*(FIELD == \"FIELD_2\")"

      Here, training is only done using FIELD_0 and FIELD_1; validation is weighted such that galaxies from FIELD_1 have ten times the weight compared to galaxies from FIELD_2 etc.

    • The same rules also apply for the weight and cut options for the KNN re-weighting method: cutInp_wgtKNN, cutRef_wgtKNN, weightRef_wgtKNN and weightInp_wgtKNN, and for the corresponding variables for the evaluation compatibility test: cutInp_inTrain, cutRef_inTrain, weightRef_inTrain and weightInp_inTrain. (Examples for the re-weighting and for the compatibility test using these variables are given in scripts/

  • ANNZ_PDF_max_0 no longer calculated by default. This may be turned back on by setting

glob.annz["addMaxPDF"] = True
  • Other minor modifications and bug fixes.

ANNZ v2.1.1

15 Jan 17:53
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  • Fixed bug in generating a name for an internal TF1 function in ANNZ::setupKdTreeKNN().

  • Fixed bug in plotting routine from ANNZ::doMetricPlots(), when adding user-requested variables which are not floats.

  • Added the option,

    glob.annz["optimWithMAD"] = False

    If set to True, then the MAD (median absolute deviation) is used, instead of the 68th percentile of the bias (sigma_68). This affects only the selection of the "best" MLM and the PDF optimization procedure in randomized regression. See scripts/

  • Added the option,

    glob.annz["optimWithScaledBias"] = False

    If set to True, then instead of the bias, delta == zReg-zTrg, the expression deltaScaled == delta/(1+zTrg) is used, where zReg is the estimated result of the MLM/PDF and zTrg is the true (target) value. This affects only the selection of the "best" MLM and the PDF optimization procedure in randomized regression. E.g., one can set this parameter in order to minimize the value of deltaScaled instead of the value of delta, or correspondingly the value of the scatter of deltaScaled instead of that of delta. The selection criteria for prioritizing the bias or the scatter remains the parameter glob.annz["optimCondReg"]. The latter can take the value bias (for delta or deltaScaled), sig68 (for the scatter of delta or of deltaScaled), and fracSig68 (for the outlier fraction of delta or of deltaScaled). See scripts/

  • Added the option,

    glob.annz["plotWithScaledBias"] = False

    If set to True, then instead of the bias, delta == zReg-zTrg, the expression delta/(1+zTrg) is used. This affects only the figures generated with the plotting routine, ANNZ::doMetricPlots(), and does not change any of the optimization/output of the code. See scripts/

  • Added option to set the PDF bins in randomized regression by the width of the bins, instead of by the number of the bins. That is, one can now set e.g.,

    glob.annz["pdfBinWidth"] = 0.01

    instead of e.g.,

    glob.annz["nPDFbins"] = 100

    Assuming the regression range is [minValZ,maxValZ] = [0,1.5], the first option will lead to 150 PDF bins of width 0.01, while the second will result in 100 bins of width 0.015. The two options are mutually exclusive (the user should define only one or the other).

  • For developers: Changed internal key-word interface in Utils::getInterQuantileStats() for requesting a MAD calculation: to add the calculation - changed from medianAbsoluteDeviation to getMAD; to retrieve the result of the calculation - from quant_medianAbsoluteDeviation to quant_MAD.

  • Other minor modifications.

ANNZ v2.1.0

08 Oct 10:32
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  • Removed unnecessary dictionary generation from Makefile.

  • Changed std::map to std::unordered_map in main containers of the OptMaps() and VarMaps() classes (constitutes a slight performance boost).

  • Nominally, no longer keeping track of the name of the original input file (stored in the ROOT trees with the name defined in origFileName in myANNZ::Init()). This may be switched back on by setting glob.annz["storeOrigFileName"] = True.

  • Added the option to use an entire input file as signal or background for single/randomized classification, in addition to (or instead of) defining a cut based on one of the input parameters. In order to use this option, one muse define the variables inpFiles_sig and inpFiles_bck. An example is given in scripts/

  • Added a bias-correction for randomized regression PDFs. This options is now active by default, and may be turned off by setting,

    glob.annz["doBiasCorPDF"] = False
  • Other minor modifications.

ANNZ v2.0.6

03 Aug 18:17
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  • Did some code optimization for tree-looping operations.

  • Added the script, This shows how one may derive the weights based on the KNN method (using useWgtKNN), and/or the inTrainFlag quality-flag, without training/evaluating any MLMs.

  • Added a plot-reference guide (thePlotsExplained.pdf).

  • Added the option doGausSigmaRelErr (now set to True by default) to estimate the scatter of the relative uncertainty of regression solutions by a Gaussian fit, instead of by the RMS or the 68th percentile of the distribution of the relative uncertainty. This only affects the plotting output of regression problems (ANNZ::doMetricPlots()).

  • Added support for general math expressions for the weightVarNames_wgtKNN and weightVarNames_inTrain variables.

  • Nominally, the inTrainFlag quality flag is a binary operator, and may only take values of either 0 or 1. Have now added the option of setting maxRelRatioInRef_inTrain < 0. In this case, the maxRelRatioInRef_inTrain parameter is ignored. As a result the inTrainFlag may take floating-point values between zero and one.

  • Added a transformation of the input parameters used for the kd-tree during the nominal uncertainty calculation in regression. The variables after the transformation span the range [-1,1]. The transformations are performed by default, and may be turned off by setting,

    glob.annz["doWidthRescale_errKNN"]  = False

    Similarly, added the same transformations for the kd-tree during the glob.annz["useWgtKNN"] = True and glob.annz["addInTrainFlag"] = True setups. These may be turned off using the flags, doWidthRescale_wgtKNN and doWidthRescale_inTrain, respectively.

  • Added support for ROOT file inputs, which may be used instead of ascii inputs (example given in scripts/

  • Other minor modifications.