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updated the average mode shares across all cities in the global scena…
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AnnaKS123 committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent 4309d41 commit 5637d3b
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 102 deletions.
226 changes: 124 additions & 102 deletions R/create_global_scenarios.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,195 +123,215 @@ create_global_scenarios <- function(trip_set) {
trip_set <- NULL

rd_list <- list()

# define the modes that can't be changed
modes_not_changeable <- c("bus_driver", "truck", "car_driver", "taxi")

# # to get overall trip shares for the distance bands - needed if want to updated global_modeshares
# rdr_modeshares <- rdr |>
# filter(participant_id !=0) |>
# distinct(trip_id, .keep_all = T) |>
# count(trip_mode, trip_distance_cat) |> mutate(freq = prop.table(n), .by = trip_mode) |>
# filter(trip_mode %in% c('cycle', 'car', 'bus', 'motorcycle')) |>
# dplyr::select(-n) |>
# dplyr::mutate(freq = round(freq * 100, 1)) |>
# pivot_wider(names_from = trip_distance_cat, values_from = freq) |>
# dplyr::mutate(cityname = city)
# # add these city specific numbers to a dataframe containing all the numbers
# if (exists('total_modeshares') &&'total_modeshares'))){
# total_modeshares <- rbind(total_modeshares, rdr_modeshares)
# } else {
# total_modeshares <- rdr_modeshares
# }
# total_modeshares <<- total_modeshares # create global variable

# global modal split across the three distance categories for each mode
# cycle, car, bus, motorcycle
global_modeshares <- data.frame(
c(38.5, 9.4, 2.1, 10.7), # distance category 0-2km
c(50, 45.7, 33.5, 37.2), # distance category 2-6km
c(11.5, 44.9, 64.4, 52.6)
c(39.0, 10.4, 4.8, 10.8), # distance category 0-2km
c(50.0, 45.5, 39.7, 38.0), # distance category 2-6km
c(11.0, 44.1, 55.5, 51.2)

colnames(global_modeshares) <- DIST_CAT
rownames(global_modeshares) <- c("cycle", "car", "bus", "motorcycle")

percentage_change <- SCENARIO_INCREASE
percentage_change <- SCENARIO_INCREASE # increase of each mode as percentage of total number of trips.

rdr_baseline <- rdr %>%
dplyr::select(c("trip_id", "trip_distance_cat", "scenario", "trip_mode")) %>%
rdr_baseline <- rdr_baseline %>% distinct()
rdr_baseline <- rdr_baseline %>% distinct() # remove any duplicates (for when there are multiple stages)

no_trips <- nrow(rdr_baseline)
prop_0_2 <- nrow(rdr_baseline %>% filter(trip_distance_cat == "0-2km")) / no_trips
prop_2_6 <- nrow(rdr_baseline %>% filter(trip_distance_cat == "2-6km")) / no_trips
prop_6 <- nrow(rdr_baseline %>% filter(trip_distance_cat == "6+km")) / no_trips
no_trips <- nrow(rdr_baseline) # total number of trips

# proportion of total trips in each distance category
prop <- list()
for (i in DIST_CAT) {
prop[[i]] <- nrow(rdr_baseline %>% filter(trip_distance_cat == i)) / no_trips

# initialise the proportions to be added in each scenario
scenario_proportions <- data.frame(
c(0, 0, 0, 0), # distance category 0-2km
c(0, 0, 0, 0), # distance category 2-6km
c(0, 0, 0, 0)
# add the correct values
for (r in 1:3) {
for (c in 1:4) {
if (r == 1) {
percentage_trips <- prop_0_2
} else if (r == 2) {
percentage_trips <- prop_2_6
} else {
percentage_trips <- prop_6
scenario_proportions[c, r] <- percentage_change * global_modeshares[c, r] / percentage_trips

# add row and column names
colnames(scenario_proportions) <- colnames(global_modeshares)
rownames(scenario_proportions) <- rownames(global_modeshares)

# find the proportion of trips to be converted for each distance category and scenario
for (c in colnames(scenario_proportions)) {
for (r in rownames(scenario_proportions)) {
scenario_proportions[r, c] <- percentage_change * global_modeshares[r, c] / prop[[c]]

colnames(scenario_proportions) <- target_distances <- DIST_CAT
rownames(scenario_proportions) <- modes <- c("cycle", "car", "bus", "motorcycle")

SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS <<- scenario_proportions

# print(scenario_proportions)

# baseline scenario
rd_list[[1]] <- rdr
modes_not_changeable <- c("bus_driver", "truck", "car_driver")
rd_list[["baseline"]] <- rdr

# create data frame containing all the trips that are not going to be changed in a scenario
# i.e. bus_driver, truck and car_driver trips but also commercial motorcycle trips which have a participant id of 0
rdr_not_changeable <- rdr %>% filter(trip_mode %in% modes_not_changeable | participant_id == 0)
rdr_changeable <- rdr %>% filter(!trip_mode %in% modes_not_changeable & !participant_id == 0) # Trips that can be reassigned to another mode

# Split trips by distance band in a new list

# Trips that can be reassigned to another mode
rdr_changeable <- rdr %>% filter(!trip_mode %in% modes_not_changeable & !participant_id == 0)

# Split the changeable trips by distance band, save in a new list
rdr_changeable_by_distance <- list()
for (j in 1:ncol(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) {
target_distance <- target_distances[j]
for (j in colnames(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) {
rdr_changeable_by_distance[[j]] <- rdr_changeable %>%
filter(trip_distance_cat == target_distance)
filter(trip_distance_cat == j)
rdr_changeable <- NULL

# split all trips by distance band
rdr_all_by_distance <- list()
for (j in 1:ncol(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) {
target_distance <- target_distances[j]
for (j in colnames(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) {
rdr_all_by_distance[[j]] <- rdr %>%
filter(trip_distance_cat == target_distance)
filter(trip_distance_cat == j)

rdr <- NULL

# Creation of scenarios
scen_warning <- c()

for (i in 1:nrow(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) { # Loop for each scenario
mode_name <- modes[i] # mode of the scenario

for (i in rownames(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) { # Loop for each scenario
rdr_copy <- list()
for (j in 1:ncol(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) { # Loop for each distance band

for (j in colnames(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)) { # Loop for each distance band
rdr_copy[[j]] <- rdr_changeable_by_distance[[j]] # Trips in the distance band
if (mode_name != "bus") {

if (i != "bus") {
# Identify the trips_id of trips that weren't made by the trip mode
potential_trip_ids <- unique(rdr_copy[[j]][!rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_mode %in% c(mode_name), ]$trip_id)

potential_trip_ids <- unique(rdr_copy[[j]][!rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_mode %in% c(i), ]$trip_id)
# Count the number of trips that were made by the trip mode
current_mode_trips <- rdr_copy[[j]] %>%
filter(trip_mode == mode_name) %>%
filter(trip_mode == i) %>%
distinct(trip_id) %>%
} else {
} else { # consider bus and rail trips together

# Identify the trips_id of trips that weren't made by the trip mode
potential_trip_ids <- unique(rdr_copy[[j]][!rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_mode %in% c(mode_name, "rail"), ]$trip_id)

potential_trip_ids <- unique(rdr_copy[[j]][!rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_mode %in% c(i, "rail"), ]$trip_id)
# Count the number of trips that were made by the trip mode
current_mode_trips <- rdr_copy[[j]] %>%
filter(trip_mode %in% c(mode_name, "rail")) %>%
filter(trip_mode %in% c(i, "rail")) %>%
distinct(trip_id) %>%
} # End else
target_percent <- SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS[i, j]
# n_trips_to_change <- round(length(unique(rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_id)) *
# target_percent / 100) # These trips will be reassigned

# These number of trips will be reassigned
n_trips_to_change <- round(length(unique(rdr_all_by_distance[[j]]$trip_id)) *
target_percent / 100) # These trips will be reassigned
# print(n_trips_to_change)

if (length(potential_trip_ids) > 0 & n_trips_to_change > 0) {
# if the number of trips that could be changed equals the number of trips that need to be changed
if (length(potential_trip_ids) == n_trips_to_change) {
change_trip_ids <- potential_trip_ids

# if there are less trips to change than should be changed
} else if (length(potential_trip_ids) < n_trips_to_change) {
# save name of scenario
scen_warning <- c(scen_warning, rownames(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)[i])

scen_warning <- c(scen_warning, i)
# convert all trips possible
change_trip_ids <- potential_trip_ids

# if there are more trips that can be changed than need to be changed, sample
} else if (length(potential_trip_ids) > n_trips_to_change) {
} else { # if there are more trips that can be changed than need to be changed, sample
change_trip_ids <- base::sample(potential_trip_ids,
size = n_trips_to_change
size = n_trips_to_change
change_trips <- rdr_copy[[j]][rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_id %in% change_trip_ids, ]
change_trips$trip_mode <- mode_name
change_trips$stage_mode <- mode_name

# convert the trips to the new mode
change_trips <- rdr_copy[[j]][rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_id %in% change_trip_ids, ] # extract trips to be changed
change_trips$trip_mode <- i # assign a new trip mode name
change_trips$stage_mode <- i # assign a new stage mode name

# update the trip duration based on the new mode speeds
change_trips$stage_duration <- change_trips$stage_distance * 60 /
MODE_SPEEDS$speed[MODE_SPEEDS$stage_mode == mode_name]

# Replace trips reassigned in the trip dataset and save them in a new list
MODE_SPEEDS$speed[MODE_SPEEDS$stage_mode == i]
# Replace trips reassigned in the trip dataset and save all trips in a new list
rdr_copy[[j]] <-
rdr_copy[[j]][!rdr_copy[[j]]$trip_id %in% change_trip_ids, ],
} # End loop for distance bands
rdr_scen <-, rdr_copy)
rdr_scen <- rbind(rdr_scen, rdr_not_changeable)

rdr_scen <-, rdr_copy) # bind across all distance bands
rdr_scen <- rbind(rdr_scen, rdr_not_changeable) # add trips that could not be changed

# Remove bus_driver from the dataset, to recalculate them
rdr_scen <- filter(rdr_scen, !trip_mode %in% "bus_driver")
rdr_scen <- add_ghost_trips(rdr_scen,
trip_mode = "bus_driver",
reference_mode = "bus",
scenario = paste0("Scenario ", i)
trip_mode = "bus_driver",
reference_mode = "bus",
scenario = paste0("sc_ ", i)
# print(paste("Scenario name: ", paste0('Scenario ',i)))
bus_dr_dist <- sum(rdr_scen[rdr_scen$stage_mode == "bus_driver", ]$stage_distance, na.rm = T)
bus_dist <- sum(rdr_scen[rdr_scen$stage_mode == "bus", ]$stage_distance, na.rm = T)

# print(bus_dr_dist/bus_dist)

# Remove car_driver from the dataset, to recalculate them
rdr_scen <- filter(rdr_scen, !trip_mode %in% "car_driver")
rdr_scen <- add_ghost_trips(rdr_scen,
trip_mode = "car_driver",
distance_ratio = car_driver_scalar * DISTANCE_SCALAR_CAR_TAXI,
reference_mode = "car",
scenario = paste0("Scenario ", i)
trip_mode = "car_driver",
distance_ratio = car_driver_scalar * DISTANCE_SCALAR_CAR_TAXI,
reference_mode = "car",
scenario = paste0("sc_ ", i)
# print(paste("Scenario name: ", paste0('Scenario ',i)))
car_dr_dist <- sum(rdr_scen[rdr_scen$stage_mode == "car_driver", ]$stage_distance, na.rm = T)
car_dist <- sum(rdr_scen[rdr_scen$stage_mode == "car", ]$stage_distance, na.rm = T)

# print(car_dr_dist/car_dist)
rdr_scen$scenario <- paste0("sc_", rownames(SCENARIO_PROPORTIONS)[i])
rd_list[[i + 1]] <- rdr_scen

rdr_scen$scenario <- paste0("sc_", i) # add scenario name
rd_list[[i]] <- rdr_scen # create output list by adding trips for each scenario
} # End loop for scenarios

# print warning message if there weren't enough trips to be converted for a scenario
scen_warning <- unique(scen_warning)

if (length(scen_warning) > 0) {
for (j in 1:length(scen_warning)) {
Expand All @@ -320,6 +340,8 @@ create_global_scenarios <- function(trip_set) {


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