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Remove the skip from e2e test for getByPersistentId, so the test case could be included #1524

Remove the skip from e2e test for getByPersistentId, so the test case could be included

Remove the skip from e2e test for getByPersistentId, so the test case could be included #1524

Workflow file for this run

name: 'Chromatic'
# Event for the workflow
on: [pull_request]
# List of jobs
# Operating System
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Job steps
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Create .npmrc
run: |
cp .npmrc.example .npmrc
sed -i -e 's/<YOUR_GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN>/${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}/g' .npmrc
sed -i -e 's/<YOUR_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN>/${{ secrets.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }}/g' .npmrc
- name: Install dependencies
# 👇 Install dependencies with the same package manager used in the project (replace it as needed), e.g. yarn, npm, pnpm
run: npm install
# 👇 Adds Chromatic as a step in the workflow
# Install design system dependencies
- name: Build Dataverse Design System
working-directory: packages/design-system
run: npm run build
- name: Publish to Chromatic
uses: chromaui/action@v1
# Chromatic GitHub Action options
# 👇 Chromatic projectToken, refer to the manage page to obtain it.
projectToken: ${{ secrets.CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN }}