Welcome to the TAP iPad app!
This documentation will be more useful with the benefit of context. If you already know what TAP is, well done, clearly you are a handsome/beautiful individual with excellent taste. If you do not, read more about it and join the ranks of Those In The Know.
As for this app, it was first developed at the IMA Lab by former Lab employee Daniel Cervantes, for use as a kiosk-type app for in-gallery use during exhibitions. It consumes TAP data in the TourML format, either in a local exported bundle, or by loading it over the network, and then presents the data in a few different pre-defined view types.
And let’s not forget about that data being consumed. What makes it? Those In The Know will already know that the simplest way to build data for the TAP app is using the TAP CMS, which is a Drupal-based content manager specifically made for this task. To generate content for this particular TAP app, you will also need to create a couple of custom content types in the CMS. More explanation on this in the (Getting Started section)[#gettingStarted].
Now let's talk about those view types.
The timeline view is, more or less, what it sounds like. It maps a series of event stops contained by a stop group to events mapped out on a horizontally scrolling timeline. The structure of the underlying data this view expects looks like this:
- Stop Group (the timeline container)
- Event Stops (the events plotted on the timeline)
- view: The name of the view controller class to use for instantiating the view.
- title: The onscreen title of the stop in the header navigation.
- keycode: The stop code of the stop that backs this view. This is how you link the particular piece of content to the presented view.
- trackedViewName: The title used for analytics purposes.
This view presents a grid of an arbitrary number of section thumbnails which then allow the user to drill into a group of stops containing content around that theme.
- Stop Group (the grid)
- Stop Group(s) (the grid detail)
- Image/Video/Audio Stop(s)
- Stop Group(s) (the grid detail)
- view: The name of the view controller class to use for instantiating the view.
- title: The onscreen title of the stop in the header navigation.
- keycode: The stop code of the stop that backs this view. This is how you link the particular piece of content to the presented view.
- trackedViewName: The title used for analytics purposes.
- itemsPerRow: Number of section thumbnails to display per row of the grid.
- columnWidth:
- rowHeight:
- verticalSpacing: Spacing between rows of the grid.
This is just the singular view that the Grid View drills into, but which can also be used as a top-level view.
- Stop Group (the grid detail)
- Image/Video/Audio Stops
This view is used to represent a bunch of categorized video stops in a horizontally scrolling page view. better explanation of what the categories are
- Stop Group
This is a container for loading LOCAL web content into a UIWebView. It has no backing TourML content, just what you put in the WebContainerContent.html file.
## Getting Started TAP iPad comes with a super-generic content bundle containing examples of the available views, and a config file (TAPConfig.plist) that points to it. It also contains, in the folder “TAP Custom Stop,” a couple of content types that you will need to use the app. (@kjaebker please fill in details on importing the features)- add documentation for custom stops - use the features module to add the stops to your tap install
- re-look at the grid layout, should be able to remove a lot of those options, do less, and let the collectionview handle things