IEEE IGDTUW is a vibrant student branch at Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, founded on February 6, 2004. Our mission is to empower aspiring women engineers through a community that champions 🚀 innovation, 🌟 leadership, and 🛠️ technical excellence. By organizing diverse events, we bridge the gap between academics and industry, encouraging students to grow both professionally and personally.
IEEE IGDTUW offers a dynamic platform for students to:
- ⚙️ Develop technical skills
- 🌍 Participate in national and international conferences
- 📈 Build professional networks
Through annual highlights like IEEE Week and various Student Interest Groups (SIGs), we engage students in workshops, hands-on projects, and leadership activities, driving technical growth and confidence.
The Women in Engineering (WIE) initiative at IEEE IGDTUW is committed to inspiring young women to pursue careers in technology. WIE’s notable initiatives, such as the Sparsh Outreach Program for orphaned girls, focus on mentorship and guidance, fostering confidence and resilience in young women. WIE IGDTUW aims to make a lasting positive impact on society, empowering young women to lead with determination and purpose. 🌈
Over the years, IEEE IGDTUW has been honored to host esteemed speakers who have shared their wisdom and inspired our community. Notable guests include:
- Aisha Bowe: 🚀 Inspiring women in STEM with her journey.
- Nishant Chahar: 💡 Guiding students on building successful careers.
- Harkirat Singh: 🖥️ Encouraging open-source contributions and collaboration.