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R. Luke DuBois edited this page Sep 13, 2015 · 6 revisions

Homework 1: Drawing Machine.

Due 9/21 by class time, on your GitHubs (send me a link to your repository).

The mission:

Make a drawing machine using p5.js that generates something cool. This is a pretty open-ended assignment, but try to make it make it feel like something more that's in a happy place between totally random and totally predetermined. You can use the stuff we've made so far in class as templates.

Your machine should, at minimum:

  • react in some way to the mouse.
  • be able to be cleared (completely erased) to start over.
  • use randomness in some cool way.

Here are some links for inspiration:

Pablo Garcia's history of drawing machines lecture at MIT.

Addie Wagenknecht's Black Hawk Paint.

Tristan Perich's machine drawings. Also on vimeo.

Sam Van Doorn's STYN project.

Tim Knowles' work (in particular, check out the Vehicle Motion Drawings and the Postal Works).

Eske Rex's Drawing Machines.

Modern artists who make work that could be procedurally imitated:

Piet Mondrian

Lee Krasner

Jackson Pollock

Mark Rothko

Joan Mitchell

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