Forwarding on Gates (FoG) is an architecture and a network protocol for a Future Internet, which is developed by the Integrated Communication Systems group of the TU Ilmenau (Germany). The simulator/emulator software for FoG is called FoGSiEm. It is available as open-source in the repository ICS-TU-Ilmenau/fog.
The repository for add-ons contains software and data files, which are helpful for working with FoGSiEm. In particular, the repository contains:
- Scenario files
- Script files (batch files using the commands known from FoGSiEm)
- Example files from various network graph generators (e.g. BRITE)
- Example files from Internet topology measurement projects (e.g. DIMES)
- Tools for analysing the statistic files from FoGSiEm
- Pre-compiled libraries
- for video gates, which are included in the plug-in ""
- for Ethernet access, which is included in the plug-in "fog.emulator"