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Utilities for transcribing a set of audio files with IBM Watson Speech to Text (STT), then analyzing the error rate of the STT transcription against a known-good transcription


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Utilities for

  • Transcribing a set of audio files with Speech to Text (STT)
  • Analyzing the error rate of the STT transcription against a known-good transcription
  • Experimenting with various parameters to find optimal values

More documentation

This readme describes the tools in depth. For more information on use cases and methodology, please see the following articles:

You may also find useful:

  • TTS-Python - companion tooling for IBM Text to Speech


Requires Python 3.x installation.

All of the watson-stt-wer-python dependencies are installed at once with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: If receiving an SSL Certificate error (CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED) when running the python scripts, try the following commands to tell python to use the system certificate store.


pip install --trusted-host --trustedhost python-certifi-win32


Open a terminal and change to the location of your python installation to execute Install Certificates.command, for example:

cd /Applications/Python 3.6
./Install Certificates.command


Create a copy of config.ini.sample. You'll modify this file in subsequent steps.

cp config.ini.sample config.ini

Each sub-sections will describe what configuration parameters are needed.

Generic Command-Line parameters

--config_file or -c is the configuration file to be used. The default is config.ini

--log_level or -ll is the log level to be used when running the script. Supported levels are as follows:

  • ERROR -- Print out only when things fail.
  • WARN -- Print out cautions and when things fail.
  • INFO -- (Default) Print out useful status, cautions, and when things fail.
  • DEBUG -- Print out every possible message.


Uses IBM Watson Speech to Text service to transcribe a folder full of audio files. Creates a CSV with transcriptions.


Update the parameters in your config.ini file.

Required configuration parameters:

  • apikey - API key for your Speech to Text instance
  • service_url - Reference URL for your Speech to Text instance
  • base_model_name - Base model for Speech to Text transcription

Optional configuration parameters:

  • max_threads - Maximum number of threads to use with to improve performance.
  • language_model_id - Language model customization ID (comment out to use base model)
  • acoustic_model_id - Acoustic model customization ID (comment out to use base model)
  • grammar_name - Grammar name (comment out to use base model)
  • stt_transcriptions_file - Output file for Speech to Text transcriptions
  • audio_file_folder - Input directory containing your audio files
  • reference_transcriptions_file - Reference file for manually transcribed audio files ("labeled data" or "ground truth"). If present, will be merged into stt_transcriptions_file as "Reference" column
  • stemming - If True, pre-processing stems words with Porter stemmer. Stemming will treat singular/plural of a word as equivalent, rather than a word error.


Assuming your configuration is in config.ini, transcribe all the audio files in audio_file_folder parameter via the following command:

python --config_file config.ini --log_level DEBUG

See Generic Command Line Parameters for more details.


Transcription will be stored in a CSV file based on stt_transcriptions_file parameter with a format like below:

Audio File Transcription
file1.wav The quick brown fox
file2.wav jumped over the lazy dog

A third column, "Reference", will be included with the reference transcription, if a reference_transcriptions_file is found as source.


Simple python package to approximate the Word Error Rate (WER), Match Error Rate (MER), Word Information Lost (WIL) and Word Information Preserved (WIP) of one or more transcripts.


Your config file must have references for the reference_transcriptions_file and stt_transcriptions_file properties.

  • Reference file (reference_transcriptions_file) is a CSV file with at least columns called Audio File Name and Reference. The Reference is the actual transcription of the audio file (also known as the "ground truth" or "labeled data"). NOTE: In your audio file name, make sure you put the full path (eg. ./audio1.wav)
  • Hypothesis file (stt_transcriptions_file) is a CSV file with at least columns called Audio File Name and Hypothesis. The Hypothesis is the transcription of the audio file by the Speech to Text engine. The script can create this file.


  • Details (details_file) is a CSV file with rows for each audio sample, including reference and hypothesis transcription and specific transcription errors
  • Summary (summary_file) is a JSON file with metrics for total transcriptions and overall word and sentence error rates.
  • Accuracy (word_accuracy_file) is a CSV file with rows

Metrics (Definitions)

  • WER (word error rate), commonly used in ASR assessment, measures the cost of restoring the output word sequence to the original input sequence.
  • MER (match error rate) is the proportion of I/O word matches which are errors.
  • WIL (word information lost) is a simple approximation to the proportion of word information lost which overcomes the problems associated with the RIL (relative information lost) measure that was proposed half a century ago.

Background on supporting library

Repo of the Python module JIWER:

It computes the minimum-edit distance between the ground-truth sentence and the hypothesis sentence of a speech-to-text API. The minimum-edit distance is calculated using the python C module python-Levenshtein.


python --config_file config.ini --log_level DEBUG

See Generic Command Line Parameters for more details.

Analysis with sclite

This repo provides a wrapper script,, to run sclite, which is an open source tool designed to evaluate STT transcription results. sclite goes beyound regular WER and SER reporting to provide reports like Confusion Pairs to show exactly which words were substituted with what, or Text Alignment which shows the inline differences between the reference and transcribed texts. For more information about the output of see the results sub-section below. For more information about sclite, see --


  1. reference_transcriptions_file and stt_transcriptions_file must be populated in config.ini and exist on the filesystem.
  2. sclite_directory must be uncommented and populated with the directory that hold the sclite executable
    1. To install sclite follow the instructions here --


python --config config.ini --log_level INFO

See Generic Command Line Parameters for more details.


  1. sclite_wer_summary.json -- A concise summary of metrics
  2. *.sys -- A summary file showing the number of words, sentences, deletions, insertions, substitutions, word error rate, and sentence error rate.
  3. *.prf -- A text alignment file that shows, for each audio file, the reference text and transcribed text, and for each word whether it was inserted, deleted, substituted, or correct.
  4. *.dtl -- A detail file showing confusion pairs and which specific words were inserted, deleted, or substituted.

There will also be the following two files that were created for use by sclite but are not direct outputs of sclite:

  1. *.ctm -- A file containing a line for each transcribed word of each audio file
  2. *.stm -- A file containing a reformatted version of the reference_transcriptions_file that sclite uses for evalutation


Use the script to execute a series of Transcription/Analyze experiments to optimize SpeechToText parameters.


Follow the setup for Transcribing.

Follow the setup for Analyzing.

The following parameters in [Experiments] all have a *_min and *_max variant to specify the lower limit and upper limit, respectively, for its corresponding [SpeechToText] parameter, and a *_step variant to specify the amount to increase that parameter in each experiment:

  1. sds_* controls the speech_detector_sensitivity parameter
  2. bias_* controls the character_insertion_bias parameter
  3. cust_weight_* controls the customization_weight parameter
  4. bas_* controls the background_audio_suppressionparameter
  5. end_of_phrase_silence_time_* controls the end_of_phrase_silence_time_ parameter

Note: If you want to use sclite for analysis of each experiment be sure to configure sclite_directory under the [ErrorRateOutput] section.


python --config_file config.ini --log_level INFO

See Generic Command Line Parameters for more details.


Each experiment creates a unique directory based on the parameters of that experiment in the format bias_<bias-value>_weight_<customization-weight-value>_sds_<sds-value>_bas_<bas-value>.

For each experiment the output files from Transcribing and Analyzing will be created in its unique output directory.

There will be a final file created called all_summaries.csv that contains the summary of all experiments in a single CSV.

Model training

The script has wrappers for many model-related tasks including creating models, updating training contents, getting model details, and training models.


Update the parameters in your config.ini file.

Required configuration parameters:

  • apikey - API key for your Speech to Text instance
  • service_url - Reference URL for your Speech to Text instance
  • base_model_name - Base model for Speech to Text transcription


For general help, execute:


The script requires a type (one of base_model,custom_model,corpus,word,grammar) and an operation (one of list,get,create,update,delete) The script optionally takes a config file as an argument with -c config_file_name_goes_here, otherwise using a default file of config.ini which contains the connection details for your speech to text instance. Depending on the specified operation, the script also accepts a name, description, and file for an associated resource. For instance, new custom models should have a name and description, and a corpus should have a name and associated file.


List all base models:

python -o list -t base_model

List all custom models:

python -o list -t custom_model

Create a custom model:

python -o create -t custom_model -n "model1" -d "my first model"

Add a corpus file for a custom model (the custom model's customization_id is stored in config.ini.model1)(corpus1.txt contains the corpus contents):

python -c config.ini.model1 -o create -n "corpus1" -f "corpus1.txt" -t corpus

Create corpora for all corpus files in a directory (the filename will be used for the corpora name)

python -c config.ini.model1 -o create -t corpus -dir corpus-dir

List all corpora for a custom model (the custom model's customization_id is stored in config.ini.model1):

python -c config.ini.model1 -o list -t corpus

Train a custom model (the custom model's customization_id is stored in config.ini.model1):

python -c config.ini.model1 -o update -t custom_model

Note some parameter combinations are not possible. The operations supported all wrap the SDK methods documented at

Sample setup for organizing multiple experiments

Instructions for creating a directory structure for organizing input and output files for experiments for multiple models. Creating a new directory structure is recommend for each new model being experimented/tested. A sample MemberID model is shown.

  1. Start from root of WER tool directory, cd WATSON-STT-WER-PYTHON
  2. Create project directory, mkdir -p <project name>
    1. e.g. mkdir -p ClientName-data
  3. Create audio directory, mkdir -p <project name>/audios/<audio type>
    1. e.g. mkdir -p ClientName-data/audios/audio.memberID
    2. copy/upload audio files to directory
      1. e.g. cp /temp/audio/*.wav ClientName-data/audios/audio.memberID
  4. Create referemce transcriptions directory, mkdir -p <project name>/reference_transcriptions
    1. e.g. mkdir -p ClientName-data/reference_transcriptions
    2. copy/upload transcription file to directory
      1. e.g. cp/temp/transcriptions/reference_transcription_memberID.csv ClientName-data/reference_transcriptions
  5. Create experiments directory, mkdir -p <project name>/experiments/<model description base>/<model detail>
    1. e.g. mkdir -p ClientName-data/experiments/telephony_base/MemberID/
  6. Copy sample config file over to directory
    1. e.g. cp config.ini.sample ClientName-data/experiments/telephony_base/MemberID/config.ini
    2. Edit the config file to match your new directory structure
  7. transcribe using the new config file, python ClientName-data/experiments/telephony_base/MemberID/config.ini
  8. analyze using the new config file, python ClientName-data/experiments/telephony_base/MemberID/config.ini
  9. repeat previous steps for each new experiment


Utilities for transcribing a set of audio files with IBM Watson Speech to Text (STT), then analyzing the error rate of the STT transcription against a known-good transcription







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