Welcome to our newest open-source software project - an agnostic push notification microservice! This service is developed using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and JavaScript, offering a highly flexible and efficient solution for managing push notifications in mobile applications.
This project is developed by HyperSense Software and it is distributed under an MIT License.
Our agnostic push notification microservice leverages the power of AWS services to provide a seamless experience. At its core, the API Gateway exposes endpoints that enable mobile apps to register Firebase tokens. With the help of AWS Cognito, secure access is ensured through the authorization of incoming requests.
This microservice is designed to handle various aspects of push notifications, including associating user IDs with their respective Firebase tokens, sending push notifications, maintaining read counts, managing notification lists, and offering other functionalities aimed at improving the push notification experience.
Another vital element of the microservice is an SQS queue that allows other microservices to send push notifications to users. By saving sent messages and maintaining logs using DynamoDB, the push notification microservice offers a reliable and efficient method for tracking notifications and ensuring smooth operation.
Please find below a high-level diagram outlining the main components of this node.js microservice.
Some resources will need to be created, while others be provided
You will need to create a firebase project and generate a private key for it. It will be similar to:
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "<project_id>",
"private_key_id": "<private_key_id>",
"private_key": "<private_key>",
"client_email": "<client_email>",
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
"token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
"client_x509_cert_url": "<client_x509_cert_url>"
The following must be created manually or by other systems
- Secret Manager named AgnosticPushNotificationsSecret
- must contain the key FIREBASE_KEY with the value set as the json key above
- User Pool
The following will be created during deployment
- ApiGateway: AgnosticPushNotificationsEndpoint
- DynamoDb tables: agnostic_push_devices, agnostic_push_notifications, agnostic_push_notifications_log
- Lambda layer: AgnosticPushMicroserviceLayer
- Lambdas
- CloudWatch Log Groups
- Input and Output Queues
USER_POOL_ID=<enter your id>
If they are not set the deploy will generate a warning, but will not fail. Certificate must be on the same region as the gateway. If you have a different setup, please make sure to change the gateway to EDGE instead of REGIONAL.
HOSTED_ZONE_ID=<enter your zone id>
ZONE_NAME=<your zone name>
CERTIFICATE_ARN=<certificate arn>
API_DOMAIN=<api domain/subdomain>
Sample messages for queues
Setup TTL for logs and messages, this will remove messages after TTL expires APN_MESSAGE_DEFAULT_TTL preset to 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 sAPN_MESSAGE_LOG_DEFAULT_TTL preset to 86400
Templates are part of the code, check Template Param expiresAt is optional, if not sent default will be used.Input queue sample message:
"requestParams" : {
"userId" :"4368d4ff-e8f5-4788-8e66-30418eafa5af",
"templateId" : "hello_world",
"expiresAt" : "1680268046.989",
"templateParams" : {"USER_NAME":"Jane"}
Output queue sample message
"ios":{"title":"Hello Jane","body":"Glad to see an iOS fan"},
"android":{"title":"Hello Jane","body":"I like android better"}
Input queue sample message to get a notification, useful to check status
"requestParams" : {
Output queue sample message to get a notification
{"requestId":"sample_get","response":{"id":"bafb3597-6679-4fff-8928-18a17fede183","createdAt":"1680267880.931","userId":"4368d4ff-e8f5-4788-8e66-30418eafa5af","status":"read","systemStatus":"new","notificationPayload":{"userId":"4368d4ff-e8f5-4788-8e66-30418eafa5af","templateId":"hello_world","templateParams":{"USER_NAME":"Mirela"},"type":"default"},"texts":{"ios":{"title":"Hello Mirela","body":"Glad to see an iOS fan"},"android":{"title":"Hello Mirela","body":"I like android better"}},"type":"default"}}
Input queue sample message to remove a user, will remove the devices for that user
"requestParams" : {
Output queue sample message to get a notification