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Hyomoto edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 5 revisions
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array_quicksort( array, *sort_or_func, *pivot )

Returns: [N/A undefined](N/A undefined)

Throws: InvalidArgumentType

A sort-in-place, non-stable sorting algorithm for arrays. If sort_or_func is true, or not provided, the array will be sorted by ascending value. Setting this to false will use descending logic. If a method is provided, this will be used for the comparison. For complex behaviors, the pivot can also be overriden. If an array is not provided to sort, a non-boolean, non-method is provided to the sort or pivot arguments, InvalidArgumentType will be thrown.

var _array	= [ 10, 4, 15, 23, 12, 4 ];

array_quicksort( _array );
Output: [ 4,4,10,12,15,23 ]


Name Type Purpose
array array An array to sort
*sort_or_func mixed optional: The sort logic to use
*pivot [func](func) optional: A function to retrieve the pivot
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