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Hyomoto edited this page Oct 18, 2020 · 11 revisions
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FrameEvent( FAST.event, delay, parameters, function )

Implements: None

Creates a new event that relies on frame timing, and will run at the given periodicity during the specified event. The are: #### FAST.CREATE, FAST.GAME_END, FAST.ROOM_START, FAST.ROOM_END, FAST.STEP_BEGIN, FAST.STEP, FAST.STEP_END

event = new FrameEvent( FAST.STEP, 30, undefined, function() {
    show_debug_message( "Hello World!" );


Name Type Purpose
FAST.event list The event to add this to
delay int How many frames before firing
parameters mixed A value to pass to the function
function func The function to call when the delay has passed


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Returns: self

Name Type Purpose

Tells the event it should only be run once. Can be called when the event is created, as it will still return the event.


Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose

Destroys the event.


Returns: string ("string")

Name Type Purpose

Returns the event as a string, for debugging.

is( type )

Returns: boolean (true or false)

Name Type Purpose
type `` : "Constructor", desc : "The Constructor to compare this against.", name : "type" }

Returns true if the provided type is FrameEvent.


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  • tick - how many frames this event has been alive
  • tock - what tick this event should fire on
  • repeats - if true, will loop after the event fires. otherwise it is discarded.
  • func - the function this event calls
  • params - the parameters that are passed to the function
  • list - the event list this event was added to
  • ignore - if true, this event will not fire, it will still cycle and/or discard
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