A Simple Yet Amazing Chat Room Application, where people can hang out and talk about what they want.
This application is full of SVG's and Gradient Color Backgrounds which give them a stunning looking application all around.
This application is made with Responsiveness in Mind
There are some nitty gritty things that makes this application amazing
Room Icons
The Room Icons are SVG supported which could also support Animations
You will be also able to upload your own ICONS, in next update. For now ICONS8 icons are available.
Simple Login
No Need to Sign-up any new account, Just Login with your Google Account and use it everywhere.
And more, which you will find by using this application. Its Just Wholesome
Any user can create their own SERVER, which will be available to every user.
If you have any queries, Please raise a issue. And star this Project if you use it and Yes, go-ahead and develop or change as you want by forking this project.
a project by Hrithik Anchaliya