Releases: HowcanoeWang/CoinTomado
Wiz Stat_Weekery
How to use
First to install WizNote on your computer.
Download here:
How to use weekery.exe
In WizNote, set up a weekery file folder.
for example, called "My Weekery" -
In the "My Weekery" folder, create a new folder of the current year.
for example, name a new folder called "2017" -
Double click downloaded "WeekeryTemplate.wiztemplate" to install template into Wiznote
In "2017" folder, create a new note from Template.
The name must in the format like yy[mm.dd-mm.dd]Wno.
example: 17[11.06-11.12]W45 -
Do some modify to your notes ^_^
Run "stat_exercise.exe", it will create a "config.txt" file like this:
wiz_path = r'C:\Users\YourName/Documents/My Knowledge/Data/'
user_email = r'[email protected]'
folder = r'/My Weekery/' -
Modify the "config.txt" according to your computer condition.
Run that exe again and see the pop-up figure, enjoy it!