An extension package for HouraiOptions that provides automatic UI construction for options created by HouraiOptions.
Currently the only supported UI framework is uGUI, Unity3D's built in UI framework.
- Install the following dependencies:
- Install the latest compatible *.unitypackage from the releases page for the target Unity3D version.
- (Optional): Alternatively simply load the files from the git repository instead of unitypackage.
// See HouraiOptioons for information about other attributes
[OptionCategory("Audio Options")]
public class SomeOptions {
// Non-annotated options will be exposed using the default
public float OptionFloat1 { get; set; }
// Change the drawer by providing an alternative drawer attribute
// These alternative versions
[Option, Slider(0f, 1f)]
public float OptionFloat2 { get; set; }
- Toggle - A simple on/off click. Works with
. - IntField - A standard text entry box for integers. Default for
. - StringField - A standard text entry box for strings. Default for
. - FloatField - A standard text entry box for floating point values. Default for
. - Slider - A draggable slider between two extremes. Works with
. - Dropdown - A dropdown to select between different values. Works with
. - ResolutionDropdown - A dropdown for selecting from available. Works with