CalsotChat is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously chat with friends using the Tor network.
- Python3.7
- Nodejs v12.19.0
- Tor installed as a service
- Ubuntu:
- Edit torrc file (default location in /etc/tor/)
- Edit "CookieAuthentication" and set it to "0"
- Uncomment "SocksPort 9050"
- Uncomment "ControlPort 9051"
- Edit torrc file (default location in /etc/tor/)
- Windows:
- Download Windows Expert Bundle:
- Create a torrc file with the following content:
SocksPort 9050 ControlPort 9051 CookieAuthentication 0
- Install tor service using torrc file
.\tor.exe -f .\torrc
- More info at
yarn install
pip install -r requirements
shell 1:
shell 2:
yarn serve
pyinstaller main.spec && yarn build
yarn lint
shell 1:
shell 2:
yarn electron:serve
npm run electron:serve
pyinstaller main.spec && yarn electron:build
pyinstaller main.spec && npm run electron:build
To be able to launch 2 instance of the app in the same machine we have to add some cmd arguments to start the app:
- --port : local port that we will listen (default: 5000)
- --onion_port : port that will be listen in tor network interface (default: 80)
- --folder: local directory where save persistent data (default: ~/calsotchat)
for example, to launch the second instance we will do the following in a cmd terminal:
./CalsotChat-1.0.0.AppImage --port=5010 --onion_port=8080 --folder=~/calsotchat2
- Chat in groups with multiple members
- Static Tor address
- Edit contact names
- Check contacts status (online/offline)
- Resend failed messages when contact reconnects
- Write logs when running in Bundle
- Make ports dynamics
- Mechanism to discover of servers