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Davide Napoletano authored and Davide Napoletano committed Jan 13, 2016
1 parent 29ba880 commit c2c4097
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Showing 30 changed files with 65,966 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Draft/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Draft/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

MASTER = main

include bib/Makefile
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions Draft/bib/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@

PROTECT = .bib .bst .sty .svn feynmp Makefile

SHELL = /bin/bash

FORMAT = $(shell ttp=$$(grep -e '\\pdfoutput' $(MASTER).tex | \
awk '{ split($$1,a,"="); print a[2]; }'); if [ "$$ttp" == "1" ]; \
then echo "pdf"; else echo "ps"; fi)

DEFFIG = $(shell ttp=$$(grep -e '\\pdfoutput' $(MASTER).tex | \
awk '{ split($$1,a,"="); print a[2]; }'); if [ "$$ttp" == "1" ]; \
then echo "pdf"; else echo "eps"; fi)

NODEPS = $(shell andeps=$$(find .); \
for j in $(PROTECT); do nndeps=$$(echo $$andeps | \
sed -e's/ [^\t ]*'$$(echo $$j | sed -e's/\//\\\//g')'[^\t ]*//g'); \
andeps=$$nndeps; done; \
for j in $(DEPFILES); do nndeps=$$(echo $$andeps | \
sed -e's/[^\t ]*'$$(echo $$j | sed -e's/\//\\\//g')' //g'); \
andeps=$$nndeps; \
done; echo $$andeps;)
DEPS = $(shell fsdeps()\
if $$(echo $$1 | awk '{ exit match($$1,".tex"); }') ||\
! test -f $$1; then return; fi;\
depls=$$(grep -e'\\bibliography{' $$1);\
for i in $$depls; do\
sdep=$$(echo $$i | awk '{ \
split($$1,l,"%"); \
if (split(l[1],a,"bibliography{")<2) exit; \
split(a[2],b,"}"); \
split(b[1],c,","); \
for (i=1; i<=length(c); i++) { \
if (match(c[i],"[.]bib")==0) c[i]=c[i]".bib"; \
print c[i]; \
} \
for bibdep in $$sdep; do if test -f $$bibdep; then echo $$bibdep; fi; done;\
depls=$$(grep -e'\\input' $$1);\
for i in $$depls; do\
sdep=$$(echo $$i | awk '{ split($$1,l,"%"); \
if (split(l[1],a,"\\\\input{")<2) exit; split(a[2],b,"}"); \
if (match(b[1],"[.]tex")==0) b[1]=b[1]".tex"; print b[1]; }');\
if test -f $$sdep; then echo $$sdep; fi\
depls=$$(grep -e'\\includegraphics' $$1);\
for i in $$depls; do\
sdep=$$(echo $$i | awk '{ split($$1,l,"%"); \
if (split(l[1],a,"\\\\includegraphics")<2) exit; \
split(a[2],b,"{"); \
split (b[2],c,"}"); \
if (match(c[1],"[.]pdf")==0 && match(c[1],"[.]png")==0 && \
match(c[1],"[.]jpg")==0 && match(c[1],"[.]eps")==0 && \
match(c[1],"[.]ps")==0) c[1]=c[1]".$(DEFFIG)"; \
print c[1]; }');\
if test -f $$sdep; then echo $$sdep; fi\
for i in $$*; do\
let ++cnt;\
adeps[$$cnt]=$$(fsdeps $$i);\
fadeps $${adeps[$$cnt]};\
let cnt=0; declare -a ais adeps;\
fadeps $(MASTER).tex;\
let i=0;\
while test $$i -lt $$cnt; do\
let ++i;\
for j in $${adeps[$$i]}; do \
deps=$$deps" "$$j; \
echo $$deps;)

FIGUREDEPS = $(shell figuredeps()\
if ! $$(echo $$1 | grep -q \.tex) || ! test -f $$1; then return; fi;\
depls=$$(grep -e'\\includegraphics' $$1);\
for i in $$depls; do\
sdep=$$(echo $$i | awk '{ split($$1,l,"%"); \
if (split(l[1],a,"\\\\includegraphics")<2) exit; \
split(a[2],b,"{"); \
split (b[2],c,"}"); \
if (match(c[1],"[.]pdf")==0 && match(c[1],"[.]png")==0 && \
match(c[1],"[.]jpg")==0 && match(c[1],"[.]eps")==0 && \
match(c[1],"[.]ps")==0) c[1]=c[1]".$(DEFFIG)"; \
print c[1]; }');\
echo $$sdep; \
for i in $(MASTER).tex $(DEPS); do \
deps=$$deps" "$$(figuredeps $$i); \
done; \
echo $$deps;)


include $(DEPFILE)

%.tdeps: $(DEPFILES)
@echo -e "DEPFILES = $(MASTER).tex $(DEPS)" > $(DEPFILE)

%.aux: %.tdeps
$(MAKE) $(addsuffix .figures,$(basename $@)); \
latex -interaction=nonstopmode $(addsuffix .tex,$(basename $@))

%.bbl: %.tdeps
if egrep -s 'bibliography' $(addsuffix .tex,$(basename $@)); \
then bibtex $(basename $@); fi

%.graphs: $(DEPFILES)
@g=$$(egrep {fmffile} $(filter %.tex,$(DEPFILES)) | \
egrep begin | cut -d{ -f3 | cut -d} -f1); \
t=$$(egrep feyn $(filter %.tex,$(DEPFILES)) | \
egrep package | cut -d{ -f2 | cut -d} -f1); \
if [ "$$t" = "feynmp" ]; then \
if test -f $$; then mpost $$; fi; \
elif [ "$$t" = "feynmf" ]; then \
if test -f $$; then mf $$; fi; fi;

%.figures: $(FIGUREDEPFILES)
@echo "Recreated figures.";

@echo "No figures/*.conf found."

@echo "Did not find $@. Not running make-plots."

figures/%.pdf: figures/%.dat figures/make-plots.conf
@datfile=$(addsuffix .dat,$(basename $@)); \
if test -f $$datfile; then \
if test -f figures/make-plots.conf; then addarg="-c figures/make-plots.conf"; fi; \
bib/make-plots $$addarg --full-range $$datfile; \

figures/%.eps: figures/%.dat figures/make-plots.conf
@datfile=$(addsuffix .dat,$(basename $@)); \
if test -f $$datfile; then \
if test -f figures/make-plots.conf; then addarg="-c figures/make-plots.conf"; fi; \
bib/make-plots --eps $$addarg --full-range $$datfile; \

.SECONDARY: %.tex %.aux
$(MAKE) $(addsuffix .bbl,$(basename $@)); \
$(MAKE) $(addsuffix .graphs,$(basename $@)); \
$(MAKE) $(addsuffix .figures,$(basename $@)); \
lc=4; while ( egrep -s 'cross-references' \
$(addsuffix .log,$(basename $@)) || \
egrep -s 'reprocess' $(addsuffix .log,$(basename $@)) || \
egrep -s 'undefined' $(addsuffix .log,$(basename $@)) ) \
&& [ $$lc -gt 0 ] ; do \
latex -interaction=nonstopmode $<; lc=`expr $$lc - 1`; done; \
if test -f $(addsuffix .dvi,$(basename $@)); then \
dvips $(addsuffix .dvi,$(basename $@)); fi;

if test -f $(addsuffix .ps,$(basename $@)); then \
ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 $(addsuffix .ps,$(basename $@)); fi;


rm -f $(MASTER).aux $(MASTER).log $(MASTER).dvi \
$(MASTER).bbl $(MASTER).bl $(MASTER).tdeps $(MASTER).pdf \
$(MASTER).ps $(MASTER).blg $(MASTER).out $(MASTER).toc

for i in $(filter figures/%.pdf,$(FIGUREDEPFILES)); do \
datfile=$$(dirname $$i)/$$(basename $$i .pdf).dat; \
if test -f $$datfile; then rm -f $$i; fi; \

mkdir $(MASTER); \
for i in *; do if [ "$$i" != "$(MASTER)" ]; then \
cp -r $$i $(MASTER); fi; done; cd $(MASTER); \
rm -f $(NODEPS) $$(find . -name \*~); cd -; \
tar -czvf $(MASTER).tar.gz $(MASTER); rm -rf $(MASTER)

@for i in $$(find * | grep -v "\.svn" | grep -v "\.cls" | grep -v "\.clo" | grep -v "\.sty" | grep -v "\.bbl"); do \
if test -f "$$i" -a "x$$(grep -F $$i $(MASTER).tdeps)" = "x"; then \
echo $$i; \
fi; \

@lwd=$$PWD; cd ..; \
if test -e $(MASTER)-submit; then \
echo "Error: $(MASTER)-submit exists." \
exit 1; \
fi; \
cp -rpL $$lwd $(MASTER)-submit; \
cd $(MASTER)-submit; \
make clean; \
make; \
unneeded=$$(make --quiet find-unneeded); \
cp $(MASTER).bbl temp.bbl; \
make clean; \
mv temp.bbl $(MASTER).bbl; \
rm -f Makefile; \
echo "Removing " $$unneeded; \
for i in $$unneeded; do rm -f $$i; done; \
rm -rf bib/; \
cp ../arXiv/bib/*.bst .; \
for i in *.bst; do \
if ! grep -q $$(basename $$i .bst) $(MASTER).tex; \
then rm $$i; fi; \
done; \
sed -e "s/\.\.\/bib\///g" -i $(MASTER).tex; \
rm -rf $$(find . -name "\.svn"); \
cd ..; \
tar czf $(MASTER)-submit.tar.gz $(MASTER)-submit

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