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C++ Vision Transformer

Project Structure

This project contains an implementation of all the necessary components as well as a full ViT model. In particular:

  • Library headers (include/)
  • A single-threaded serial implementation (src/)
  • An OpenMP parallel implementation (omp_src/)
  • Some utility scripts (scripts/)
  • A pre-defined model to be used for weight initialization (model/)
  • Some datasets (data_0/ data_1/ data_2/ data_3/)
  • Files for individual component testing (test_src/)
  • Scripts for easy benchmarking (

A copy of OpenMP source (acc_src/) that you can work on.

Things to do when offload the code on Leonardo system

Load the NVHPC compiler, compile your code with:

module load nvhpc/24.3
make -f makefile.acc acc_bin/vit.exe

After compiling code: run and analysis with nsight system

Setup Python venv

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy

Having trouble running scripts?

Make sure they are executable

chmod +x <your_script>

To run the code and nsys profile:

IMPORTANT: you shall not run these commands directly.

- Serial:  ./ --profile 
- Openmp:  ./ --profile
- Openacc: ./ --profile

To run properly, you must first request resources via SLURM. There are two ways to do so:

# "Inline"
srun -N 1 -p boost_usr_prod -A tra24_hckunitn  --reservation=s_tra_hckunitn -t 00:05:00 --gres=gpu:1 <your_command_here>

# "Batch script"
sbatch slurm_script.slurm

In the second case, stdout and err are saved to files. Look at the script.

Download NVIDIA Nsight Systems on your preferred laptop:

Click here

Download the report on your local system

./ <account> <sys> <path> [exclude]
./ -h

How to Compile (Serial and OpenMP)

C++ single-threaded serial implementation:

make bin/vit.exe

OpenMP parallel implementation:

make omp_bin/vit.exe

Clean the folder from all compiled file:

make clean

How to Run Locally

C++ single-threaded serial implementation:

./bin/vit.exe <model.cvit> <in_file.cpic> <out_file.cprd> <measures_file.csv>

OpenMP parallel implementation:

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<num_threads>
./omp_bin/vit.exe <model.cvit> <in_file.cpic> <out_file.cprd> <measures_file.csv>


./bin/vit.exe model/vit.cvit data_0/pic_0.cpic out/prd_0.cprd measures/cpp.csv
./omp_bin/vit.exe model/vit.cvit data_0/pic_0.cpic omp_out/prd_0.cprd measures/omp_16.csv

You can use two scripts to easily automate this process (they both rely on

# Edit

Performance Analysis

When the model run, they automatically create output labes as well as measure files.

If you used bash you will already find a cpp_summary.txt file in the measure folder, same for bash

Otherwise you can manually compute it with:

python3 scripts/ <measure_file.csv> <out_file.txt>

Output Comparison

Compare two prediction files:

python3 scripts/ <prediction_a.cprd> <prediction_b.cprd> <out_file.txt> <high_treshold> <low_treshold>

These comparisons have a section for each batch, so for large datasets you may want to summarize them in a shorter file:

python3 scripts/ <comparison_file.txt> <summarized_file.txt>

If you used bash and bash, you can run another script to automatically generate the comparisons and summarize them in the out_comparison/ folder:

# It relies as well on

Other Useful Scripts

Plot an input batch file:

python3 scripts/ <batch_file.cpic>

Plot an output prediction file:

python3 scripts/ <prediction_file.cprd>

Create an input batch of a random quantity pictures, each one composed by random pixels:

python3 scripts/random_cpic <out_file.cpic> <min_batch_dim> <max_batch_dim> <num_channels> <picture_height> <picture_width> <min_pixel_val> <max_pixel_val>

Generate the lines of code to insert a random value tensor in your test file:

python3 scripts/ <dim_0> <optional_dim_1> <optional_dim_2> <optional_dim_3>

Unit Tests

To run an individual component test, first modify the proper file in test_src/test_<module_name>.cpp.

Where <module_name> can be: datatypes, modules, mlp, conv2d, attention, block, patch_embed, vision_transformer and utils.

Then compile it:

make test_bin/test_<module_name>.exe

And run it:
